Thought for the week of 11th June 2023

‘Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.’ Matthew 9 : 12 - 13

This week’s Gospel : Matthew 9 : 9 – 13; 19 – 26

Thought for the week

In our Gospel reading Jesus brings healing at many different levels. There is the healing of forgiveness for our sins. Our greatest need. The healing which brings us restoration and wholeness. New life and a new beginning. The healing Jesus gave His life for.

Then there is the healing given to those who are excluded. The ones trampled on by society and systems. The ones unvalued, displaced.

Then physical healing of illnesses, but alongside this emotional healing of trauma, despair, even grief.

Then further the healing of loneliness, isolation, rejection. Jesus heals by bringing inclusion, welcome, embrace.

So much healing in so many different ways, often together.

We all need healing, in different ways. The miracle is Jesus meets us with His healing and peace, not always in the ways we want or expect, but always in powerful ways and in His timing.

What do you want to ask Jesus for today? For yourself, or for another? The Bible shows us how Jesus always hears, and will answer.

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

(inspired by Psalm 139)

God, you know us better than we know ourselves.

You know our thoughts, our weaknesses, our motivations, our sins.

And you love us still.

Forgive us when we don’t believe such love is true or possible;

When we wonder how You could love us just as we are,

when we forget our intricate construction,

fearfully, wonderfully made, in Your image!

Remove from our minds every thought which keeps us from you.

Break down the walls, push aside the pride, and help us to trust anew.

You know our hearts. And you love us still. Amen.

from All Things New, written by Rev. Susan A. Blain and Rev. Scott Ressman. Posted on

Things to pray for

For all those taking exams at this time

For those being baptised or preparing for Baptism

For our NHS