Thought for the week of 7th May 2023

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it”. John 14 : 12 - 14

This week’s reading : John 14 : 1 – 14

Thought for the week

The Coronation service was a moving and solemn time of prayer and anointing, not only for King Charles, but for our whole nation. Apparently, there were 19 points in the service where Scripture was included, not only words of blessing and praise, but also words of repentance, of grace, and the invocation of the Holy Spirit. We were all invited to seek the face of the Lord, to trust in His mercy, to ask for His strength for our nation, to follow His example of compassion, love and service.

As we continue to celebrate this weekend, the work of monarchy will continue for the King for the rest of his life. Our Gospel reading this Sunday could not be more appropriate. Jesus’ words to His disciples at the Last Supper.

A call to rely completely on Jesus. To trust in His love and power. To pray in His name, and to know that when we pray, great and amazing works of the Kingdom are possible.

The Kingdom that goes far beyond our United Kingdom. The Kingdom that is the will of the Father, transforming lives, bringing hope, drawing us all into eternity, looking to Jesus for salvation from our sins, and new life. We have had a Coronation. Let us now support and pray for the King, and live for the King of Kings.

Rev Paul

Prayer for today

Our Father in heaven,

We pray today for our new King Charles III.

Grant him your peace as he commits himself again to your service.

Give him strength and perseverance as he promises to serve us all as King.

May he know you are walking with him day by day.

Help him to fulfil his vows and promises.

May he follow the example of Jesus – the ultimate King of Kings.

God bless the King


From Hope Together