Thought for the week of 30th April 2023

I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.     John 10 : 9 -- 10

This week’s reading : John 10 : 1 - 10

Thought for the week

This week we are praying for the work of Open Doors, highlighting the plight of Christians throughout the world who are persecuted, their lives made difficult and sometimes put in danger for their faith in Jesus Christ.

Jesus spoke of Himself as the Good Shepherd. The one who is trustworthy and true. Who leads the sheep to safety. Whose one desire is for the sheep to be saved, and brought home. The sheep belong to Him, and know the Shepherd’s voice.

Jesus speaks of thieves and robbers. There are many forces in the world that attempt to steal, even to destroy. Sometimes these are obvious, others are more subtle. Yet Jesus has won the battle and has the final victory over all that can ultimately harm or destroy us.

Christians in places of persecution need our prayers. Our prayers for them are vital. The more informed our prayers are the more effective they become.

As we pray we are brought closer to the Good Shepherd. The one who stays with us in all the circumstances of our lives. Who offers peace with Him and new life. The one who through faith in Him brings us home.

Rev Paul

Prayer for today

Gentle...yet powerful.

Lowly...yet almighty.

Shepherd...yet King.

In Your gentleness, guide us.

In Your power, strengthen us.

In Your lowliness, strip from us our selfish pride which only destroys us.

In Your greatness, lift us up that we might aspire to greater things.

As a shepherd, call us to be Your servants.

As a King, call us to be Your royal priesthood.

O God, who is our shepherd and our King;

O Christ, who was crucified and is now risen from the dead;

O Spirit, who comforts and empowers;

O great One in Three, Holy Trinity, set us free to worship. Amen.

posted on My Redeemer Lives website.