Thought for the week of 16th April 2023

When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you.'

John 20 : 19

This week’s reading : John 20 : 19 - 31

Thought for the week

On the evening of Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples are cowering, hiding, full of fear and confusion. They have locked the door of the house. They have largely come together, yet they are fearful, even terrified of what will happen next.

Yet what happens next changes everything. The Risen Lord appears to them, reassures them, guides them, breathes on them with the Holy Spirit. They are transformed.

Jesus meets with them, and knows their confusion and need. He speaks His peace into their minds and hearts. He shows them the wounds to show it really is Him. He tells them their mission – to be sent by Jesus into the world. He breathes the Holy Spirit into them.

Jesus meets us in our need. He knows our insecurities, our fears, our need for reassurance. For guidance. We meet with the Risen Jesus whenever we pray.

Jesus is alive, and is always ready to meet with us, transform every situation we find ourselves in, and change our hearts with the reassurance, encouragement and boldness He alone can give. As we celebrate His Resurrection, we can celebrate all He would have us become, all He enables us to be. Christ is Risen!

Rev Paul

Prayer for today

Risen Christ, for whom no door is locked, no entrance barred:

open the doors of our hearts, that we may seek the good of others

and walk the joyful road of sacrifice and peace,

to the praise of God the Father. Amen