As he was praying, …his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendour, talking with Jesus. They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem. Luke 9 : 29 – 30Readings this week Exodus 34 : 29 – end; 2 Corinthians 3 : 12 – 4 : 2; Luke 9 : 28 - 36Thought for this weekOur Gospel reading today features Jesus’ Transfiguration. A truly spectacular, immensely powerful, life – changing and clearly divine event that leaves the disciples awestruck and overwhelmed. Yet amidst this revelation of Jesus’ power and authority there is a uniquely human touch. Referring to Peter’s on the spot suggestion of making shelters for Jesus, Moses and Elijah, Luke the Gospel writer adds, ‘He did not know what he was saying’.It is a detail that includes us all in the awesomeness and brilliance of the event. In many ways it is this detail that points to all that will happen as Jesus journeys to Jerusalem. As we begin the season of Lent this week, we begin our own journey to remember and relive the events beginning with Jesus’ temptation and His eventual arrest, crucifixion and subsequent rising from the dead. Peter’s weakness, clumsiness, and sheer humanity reminds us amidst Jesus’ glory that this was His sacrifice for us. For our own sinful, stumbling humanity. For each of us in our confused, often fearful lives. For us who rely so completely on the compassion, grace and love of Jesus. This is our Good Shepherd, whose heart is open to us, whose arms are stretched wide for us, who offers forgiveness, welcome and joy in Him. Praise Him! Rev Paul People to pray forFor Kalum and his familyFor our praises, prayers and worship todayFor those who need Jesus’ assurance and peace.Prayers for this weekAlmighty Father, whose Son was revealed in majesty before he suffered death upon the cross: give us grace to perceive his glory, that we may be strengthened to suffer with him and be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AmenHoly God, you know the disorder of our sinful lives: set straight our crooked hearts, and bend our wills to love your goodness and your glory in Jesus Christ our Lord. AmenTransfiguration PrayerHoly One, We come before you, many of us feeling like we have climbed just a part of the mountain, and there is so much more of a climb left to even get to point to dream that we might be dazzled by what is Divine.Our loads are heavy, with worry, with regret, with fatigue, with illness, with despair for all in the world that is hurting, in danger, in bondage and more.We trudge ahead, following you, stumbling, hoping, praying... breathing hard, hearts pounding, and yes,even some of us are nimble and skipping.Lead us Lord, to the top of that mountain, where we might be dazzled by your Light, lifted by what is Divine, filled by the sheer delight of what is numinous and ethereal and grounded and real. We pray this, for ourselves, for one another,and for the worlds in which we live in. Amen.~ written by rev karla, and posted on RevGalBlogPals.
The following services will be available via the St Ed's Facebook page or by attendance (as stated below). Sunday 2nd March 9:30am Mustard Tree Nativity– informal service for families and children. (at St Ed’s)Sunday 2nd March 11:15 am Holy Communion (at St Ed’s)Sunday 2nd March 1:00 pm Baptism (at St Ed’s)Sunday 2nd March 4:00 pm The Gathering@Ringland (Informal Garden Church) (at St Peter’s)Monday 3rd March 5.00 pm Evening prayers (at St Ed’s)Tuesday 4th March 10:00 am til 12 noon Community Café with activities for tots (at St Ed’s),Tuesday 4th March 2:30 pm til 4 pm Pancake party (at St Ed’s),Tuesday 4th March 6:00 pm Rspace (at St Ed’s)Wednesday 5th March 10:30 am Holy Communion with Ashes (at St Ed’s )Wednesday 5th March 7:00 pm Holy Communion with Ashes (at St Ed’s )Thursday 6th March 9.00am Church caretaking team (at St Ed’s )Thursday 6th March 7.00pm Compline with meditation (at St Ed’s) Friday 7th March 9:30 am to12.00 noon Arts and Craft Group , - bring anything – art or craft - you fancy doing and coffee and tea are provided. (at Trinity church)Also Sunday 9th March 2025, At St Ed’s, 8am Holy Communion, 9:30 am Mustard Tree, 11:15 am Service of the word Plus online 11:15am Informal Service. Also at Ringland Village Hall 10:30 Holy Communion. For on-line services, watch live if you are able --- or join later on 'catch up'.Everyone welcome.AdditionallyRingland: future services/events for Ringland St Peter’s: March 2nd 4pm informal service at St Peter’sMarch 9th 10:30 am Communion Service at St Peter’sWelcome to Kalum, his family and his friends for his baptism today at St Ed’s at 1.00pm.Pancake party will be happening on Shrove Tuesday,4th March at St Ed’s, 2.30pm till 4.00pm. This is in support of Christian Aid. There are flyers in church. Please bring your friends.Lent begins on 5th March Ash Wednesday.The 2025 Diocesan Lent Appeal will raise money for the YANA (You Are Not Alone) telephone helpline. A Norfolk-based charity, YANA provides mental health support for people living and working in agricultural and rural communities, aiming to prevent loss of life through suicide.Thursday evening compline will be in church for the next few weeks, but will not be livestreamed. The service begins at 7.00pm, and is a wonderful opportunity to experience the Lord’s calm and peace. Everyone welcome. World Day of Prayer service at Drayton and Horsford Methodist Church on Friday 7th March at 1.30pm. Everyone is welcome.Rachel is doing well, and is enormously grateful for all the cards, prayers, gifts and good wishes for her recovery. Thank you so much. We also understand Gwendolyn is doing well in her recovery (from the same operation). Prayers for Healing from 23rd March we will be offering prayers for healing in the chancel at St Eds after the 11.15am service. We hope to be able to offer this after each 4th Sunday service. If you are interested in joining those who pray please let Rev Paul know.
22 One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and set out. 23 As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. Luke 8 : 22 - 23Readings this week Genesis 2 : 4b – 9, 15 - end; Revelation 4 ; Luke 8 : 22 - 25Thought for this weekThe storm the disciples encountered on the lake was clearly something extraordinary, terrifying, exceptional. Even for experienced fishermen, a reminder of how chaos and danger can quickly overwhelm us, make us lose any sense of normality, make us fearful. Jesus’ calming of the storm reveals His extraordinary authority and power over all things. Yet perhaps more remarkable still was that He was asleep, while the storm raged around Him.Jesus calls us into His heart of stillness, of peace. Even while the world becomes ever more confusing. Different voices become increasingly more jarring and disruptive, and while there are new dangers appearing almost every day, some not seen before.Psalm 46 : 10 reads, “Be still and know that I am God”. Whatever the clamouring, the disruption, however intense our fears, we are called to look to the Lord. To Jesus who brings us His salvation, His peace, His assurance and love.Jesus calls us into His heart of stillness. He touches our hearts and fills us with moments of peace that reach deep within. Can we open our lives to Jesus’ peace today? Rev PaulPrayer for this weekAlmighty God, you have created the heavens and the earth and made us in your own image: teach us to discern your hand in all your works and your likeness in all your children; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns supreme over all things, now and for ever. AmenAlmighty God, give us reverence for all creation and respect for every person, that we may mirror your likeness in Jesus Christ our Lord. AmenPeople to pray forFor the Mission to Seafarers, their work and witness to seafarers of all nationalities around the worldFor those who visit our churches searching for peace in their livesFor our schools at the end of half term
The following services will be available via the St Ed's Facebook page or by attendance (as stated below). Sunday 23rd February 8:00am Holy Communion (at St Ed’s)Sunday 23rd February 9:30am Mustard Tree Nativity– informal service for families and children. (at St Ed’s)Sunday 23rd February 11:15 am Service of the word (at St Ed’s)Sunday 23rd February 11:15 am Online Sunday service (pre-recorded) Monday 24th February 5.00 pm Evening prayers (at St Ed’s)Tuesday 25th February 10:00 am til 12 noon Community Café with activities for tots (at St Ed’s),Wednesday 26th February 10:30 am Holy Communion (at St Ed’s )Thursday 27th February 9.00am Church caretaking team (at St Ed’s )Thursday 27th February 7.00pm Compline with meditation (at St Ed’s) Friday 28th February 9:30 am to12.00 noon Arts and Craft Group , - bring anything – art or craft - you fancy doing and coffee and tea are provided. (at Trinity church)Also Sunday 2nd March 2025, At St Ed’s, 9:30 am Mustard Tree, 11:15 am Holy Communion Also at Ringland St Peter’s 4pm "The Gathering @ Ringland" .For on-line services, watch live if you are able --- or join later on 'catch up'.Everyone welcome.AdditionallyRingland: future services/events for Ringland St Peter’s: March 2nd 4pm informal service at St Peter’sMarch 9th 10:30 am Communion Service at St Peter’sPancake party will be happening on Shrove Tuesday,4th March at St Ed’s, 2.30pm till 4.00pm. This is in support of Christian Aid. There are flyers in church. Please bring your friends.Thursday evening compline will be in church for the next few weeks, but will not be livestreamed. The service begins at 7.00pm, and is a wonderful opportunity to experience the Lord’s calm and peace. Everyone welcome. 4th Sundays On the 4th Sunday of every month I will be putting out a card stall in St Eds. All the cards are made by me and all the money taken will go to St Edmund’s. There will be cards for all occasions and each card will be £1.00. If you would like me to make a card for any special occasion please let me know. Stella NoonsPrayers for Healing from 23rd March we will be offering prayers for healing in the chancel after the 11.15am service. We hope to be able to offer this after each 4th Sunday service. If you are interested in joining those who pray please let Rev Paul know.Lent begins on 5th March Ash Wednesday.The 2025 Diocesan Lent Appeal will raise money for the YANA (You Are Not Alone) telephone helpline. A Norfolk-based charity, YANA provides mental health support for people living and working in agricultural and rural communities, aiming to prevent loss of life through suicide.