Related Churches
Edingthorpe: All Saints
Seeking to weave faith, hope and love throughout our community.
Welcome to All Saints', Edingthorpe. 'The church on the hill', is open daily for visitors, pilgrims and friends. All are welcome. YOU are welcome!
Sign up for our e-NEWs here.
Our regular Sunday worship takes place at 9.15 am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, and on the major Christian Festivals of the year. Please note from February 2025, Holy Communion will be on the 2nd Sunday, and Morning Prayer on the 4th Sunday.
The Church is open daily for visitors and for prayer. Services from St Nicholas North Walsham are live-streamed to YouTube - search 'St Nicholas North Walsham.'
Our church office phone (01692 408971) is checked regularly, so please do leave a message if you need to speak to someone.
Westwick: St Botolph
Seeking to weave faith, hope and love throughout our community.
Welcome to St Botolph's. We are a small church hidden in the grounds of Westwick Hall and in the care of the Diocesan Church Trust.
Services only take place here as advertised. The Church is usually kept locked, but we are very happy to ensure it's open for you to visit by prior appointment: please contact us!
Sign up for our e-NEWs here.
Funerals, Weddings and Baptisms may be booked: please call the Parish Office for details 01692 408971. Clergy contact details can be found here.
Inclusion Statement: We aspire to be a welcoming, inclusive and affirming Christian community, built on the understanding that God loves and accepts us equally, irrespective of gender, sexuality, race, culture, social standing, belief, age or ability - and believing that God calls us equally to share that unconditional love with all people, without exception.
Info on Blessings for marriages held elsewhere can be held in church , and we welcome ALL people who wish to celebrate these. Prayers of thanksgiving, dedication and asking for God’s blessing for same-sex couples can be held in church from 17th December 2023.
Services from St Nicholas North Walsham are live-streamed to YouTube - search 'St Nicholas North Walsham.'
North Walsham: St Nicholas
Norfolk's largest wool church - seeking to weave faith, hope and love throughout our community.
Sign up for our e-NEWs here.
Halls for hire here.
Welcome to St Nicholas’ Church in the heart of North Walsham. For centuries people have worshipped on this site. They have come for joyful and sad times, for baptisms (christenings), weddings and funerals. They have come for the major festivals of the church at Easter and Christmas. They have silently slipped in, prayed and slipped out again during the course of a day. They have gathered Sunday by Sunday to celebrate the resurrection and the good news of Jesus Christ. All are welcome. YOU are welcome!
Inclusion Statement: We aspire to be a welcoming, inclusive and affirming Christian community, built on the understanding that God loves and accepts us equally, irrespective of gender, sexuality, race, culture, social standing, belief, age or ability - and believing that God calls us equally to share that unconditional love with all people, without exception (adopted by PCC Feb 2023).
Blessings for marriages held elsewhere can be held in church , and we welcome ALL people who wish to celebrate these. Prayers of thanksgiving, dedication and asking for God’s blessing for same-sex couples can be held in church from 17th December 2023.
The Church is open daily for visitors and for prayer. Many of our services are live-streamed to YouTube - search 'St Nicholas North Walsham.'
Our church office phone (01692 408971) is checked regularly, so please do leave a message if you need to speak to someone.
Location information
If you've spotted any issues in the contact information, please contact the church by selecting the following link.
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Most churches are “Excepted Charities” and are therefore not registered with the Charity Commission. You can download a PDF that includes your church name, address and church code. This PDF, which is an extract from the Church of England’s database of churches, can serve as a certificate for churches requiring proof of their charity status when registering for online and card-based giving. Click on the download button below and log into your account. Once logged in, click on the download button and the certificate will be downloaded straight to your device. If you do not have an account, you can register here.