Trinity St Andrew's

On Sunday 5th March 2023, Revd Jonny Hughes of Trinity Church Nottingham was instituted by Bishop Andy as Vicar of St Andrew’s Nottingham, bringing together these two church communities to serve the parish and see the church on fire and the city alive.

As the St Andrew’s congregation is warmly welcomed into the Trinity family, we celebrate and embrace the rich heritage of 150 years of parish ministry, and look forward to seeing what God has in store for our future, gathering as one church in these shared spaces. Trinity (Auction House) and Trinity (St Andrew’s) are only a couple of hundred feet apart on Mansfield Road, and we’re excited to see our geographical proximity reflected in our newfound closeness as family. 

Get in touch

Nikola Voce or Jane Overnell

Trinity Church
192-194 Mansfield Road

Trinity Church Nottingham
0115 9622665

Our website


Our hope is that Trinity Church Nottingham is a place in which people have an opportunity to experience God’s love and goodness. We want everyone’s experience at Trinity to be the best part of their week, a place of refuge for all that attend. This means that we aim to always be a safe and loving community which allows people to experience and grow as followers of Jesus.

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