Service for the World Day of Prayer

for 1 hour
Bodicote: St John the Baptist
Church Street Bodicote Banbury, OX15 4DW, United Kingdom

'I made you wonderful' is the theme for this year’s World Day of Prayer, written by the Christian women from the Cook Islands. Our service will be held in church on Friday, 7th March at 7.00 pm and all (not just women!) are most welcome to attend and support the people who have given up their time to prepare and take part.

Deanery Quite Day

for 5 hours, 30 mins
St Francis Church
St Francis Church, Highlands, Banbury.

Please see poster for full details and how to book your place.
Theme : "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"

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New Year Bingo afternoons

Saturday 11 January 2025, Saturday 08 February 2025, Saturday 08 March 2025, Saturday 12 April 2025 at for 2 hours
Bodicote Church House
Bodicote Church House, Adjacent to the church - car parking available., OX15 4DW

Our popular bingo afternoons now move to the 2nd Saturday of each month from January to April.
Still only £5 for a book of 5 games. Prizes to be won.
Raffle and refreshments.
All ages very welcome.

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Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
Bodicote: St John the Baptist
Church Street Bodicote Banbury, OX15 4DW, United Kingdom

A 30 minute service of Holy Communion (BCP) in church.

Parish Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Bodicote: St John the Baptist
Church Street Bodicote Banbury, OX15 4DW, United Kingdom

Parish Communion, weekly at 9.45am. Service with Holy Communion. There is a children's play area in the church that can be used during services for young of heart! Toilets (including accessible facilities) are available in Church House next door. Refreshments are served in Church House following this service, to which all are invited.

Lent lunches

Thursday 13 March 2025, Thursday 27 March 2025, Thursday 10 April 2025 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Bodicote Church House
Bodicote Church House

A series of 3 simple lunches consisting of home-made soup and bread, followed by a hot drink.
This year we are supporting Christian Aid and The Children's Society and your donations to these charities would be much appreciated.
If you are able to help with providing soup, bread, milk or butter or are able to help serve the lunches, please speak to Rob or Marian Kirk. There will be a sign up sheet in church nearer the time.

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Afternoon teas

Monthly. Every First, Third, Fifth Wednesday at for 1 hour
Church House
Church House, Church Street, Bodicote Next to the church, with car parking and disabled access., OX15 4DW

Wednesday afternoon teas are a popular feature of our social calendar.
They are on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesdays of each month, 2.30pm – 3.30pm.
Come and enjoy a pot of tea and a selection of delicious homemade cakes on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesday afternoons of each month from 2.30-3.30pm in Church House, Bodicote (adjacent to the church). There is usually an informal table quiz and always a chance to meet and chat to friends, long established and new. All are welcome. Donations are requested to cover costs.

Family Easter crafts

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Bodicote Church House
Bodicote Church House

Another afternoon of crafts for you to enjoy with your child(ren). This time, we will have an Easter theme.
Full details on the poster or feel free to email [email protected]
No booking necessary.
Donations towards costs welcome.

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Sunday Club for 4-10 year olds

Monthly. Every Last Sunday at for 40 mins
Bodicote: St John the Baptist
Church Street Bodicote Banbury, OX15 4DW, United Kingdom

Exciting news! We are re-launching our Sunday Club!
After our prolonged break, initially due to the pandemic, we have decided we would like to re-start our Sunday Club. Our sessions will be aimed mainly at 4-10 year olds.
Marian and Ann will be running it to begin with – you can come along and meet us at our Family Crafts Afternoon on Saturday 14th December (details elsewhere in this magazine) if you don’t already know us. We both have DBS clearance and safeguarding training and have both worked previously in nurseries and primary school settings.
We will meet on the last Sunday of each month, starting in January (26th), during the 9.45am service. We start in church, leaving during the first hymn to go over to Church House for a Bible story and related crafts and activities, leaving parents to be able to focus on the service without their usual distractions! We will bring the children back to church in time to join their families for Holy Communion.

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Churchyard working party

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 2 hours
Bodicote: St John the Baptist
Church Street Bodicote Banbury, OX15 4DW, United Kingdom

A friendly group who meet on the first Saturday of each month (except in January and February) from 9am - 11am to keep our churchyard tidy.
New helpers always welcome, even if you can only spare half an hour!
Please bring along gardening tools.
Refreshments are usually provided on a "bring and share" basis.

Easter Fayre

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Bodicote Church House
Bodicote Church House

Do come along and join us - refreshments, raffle and all the usual stalls. FREE admission. All proceeds to church funds.

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Stations of the Cross

for 45 mins
Bodicote: St John the Baptist
Church Street Bodicote Banbury, OX15 4DW, United Kingdom

A service for the Monday of Holy Week at 7pm


for 30 mins
Bodicote: St John the Baptist
Church Street Bodicote Banbury, OX15 4DW, United Kingdom

A service for the Tuesday of Holy Week at 7pm

Service for Maundy Thursday

for 1 hour
Bodicote: St John the Baptist
Church Street Bodicote Banbury, OX15 4DW, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion led by Revd Canon Glyn Evans

Service of Reflection

for 45 mins
Bodicote: St John the Baptist
Church Street Bodicote Banbury, OX15 4DW, United Kingdom

A service of reflection for Good Friday at 7pm