Facilities and features


Toilets (including accessible facilities) are available in Church House next door during our Sunday services, as well as during all other church events held in Church House.

Available in the accessible toilet in Church House, next door to the church.

Limited car parking available in the Church House car park. Please note, you park here at your own risk.
if parking on the street, please park considerately.

In Church House

Autism or Asperger Aware / Accessible

One space in the car park is reserved for those with a disability who require easy access to the church.

Positioned on the front wall of Church House.

There is a sound system and those leading the service use microphones so they can be heard in all parts of the church. The Induction Loop helps those who use hearing aids.

Copies of the newsletter and some service books available in large print

Assistance dogs welcome in the church.

Dementia Aware / Accessible

Our Building

Open daily between 9am and 4pm for private prayer and meditation when no service is happening.

We have some beautiful stained glass windows, in particular the large East Window beyond the High Altar

We were recently given the Eco Church Silver Award for our care of the environment.
We have swift boxes in our tower, bird boxes in the churchyard and recycling boxes for used ink cartridges and postage stamps, currency and jewellery, mobile phones and some other small electrical items.

We are a Grade II* listed building

Music and Worship

Bodicote Church is fortunate to have a ring of 8 bells and an enthusiastic team of ringers who practise every Monday evening. The bells are rung each Sunday before the 9.45am service and of course at other special events such as weddings. Bodicote ringers have links with our neighbouring churches and meet for some social events.
For more information, please contact Martin Saunders on 01295 265067.

Occasional concerts are held in church, to suit differing musical tastes.
Details will be found in our "services and events" section as well as on our newslettrs and Facebook page.

Although we do not currently have a permanent organist, we invite visiting orhanists to play at some of our special services

The 8am Sunday morning service uses the Book of Common Prayer

Our church choir plays an important role in the worship of the church, not only in leading the singing but also in enriching the music of the whole liturgy. Please contact the vicar if you wish to learn more.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Advent and Lent courses are run each year.
Our congregation are encouraged to make use of the Bible Reading Fellowship notes which can be ordered through our church representative, Lynne Philpot, who can be contacted via our office email.

We hold regular afternoon teas, family bingos and a wide variety of other events throughout the year. All are very welcome to join us at any of these.

Bodicote Mothers’ Union is a friendly and enthusiastic group of Christian women and men whose role is to support and nurture family and community life in the UK and worldwide. The group engages a varied programme of speakers at its monthly meetings and the talks and discussions encompass both religious topics and those of wider interest. Meetings are usually held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. During the winter they meet at 2.30pm in Church House, moving to evening meetings during the lighter summer months. The group also initiates and supports other projects within the church and community. New members always welcome – please contact Claire Roberts on 01295 254597

Help for Visitors

Available in Church House (not the Church building itself)
The password can be found on the noticeboard.

The church is usually open daily between 9am and 4pm for private prayer.
There is also a book and jigsaw exchange for anyone to make use of.

Dog friendly

Other Features

We aim to be a Fairtrade church

Although we don't host a foodbank, there is a collection box for donated items inside church and we support the local food bank with our Harvest offerings each year.

Conservation Area

We have a hall which is available for hire at very reasonable rates. More information is available on a separate page https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/5406/page/85853/view/

For more information or to make a booking please contact Nicholas Hart on 01295 253747 or e-mail:[email protected]