School Links and Worship Committees
School LinksWe have good links with the local schools where we are invited to lead assemblies and get involved with the curriculum. Pupils also visit St Mark's so that children who do not attend church can experience and learn about some of the things we value.
We also run a "Good News' club in one of the primary schools during term time. After school the members enjoy a drink and a biscuit and then take part in a group activity; the theme of which always has its roots in Scripture. Additionally there are small group activities, which are craft, paper, music or drama based. Our experience is that these children are excited by the good news of Jesus and are hungry to learn more.
Social Challenges facing Oulton Broad and Lowestoft
Lowestoft remains a town of relatively high unemployment and many of those in work do not enjoy high earnings. It also has some problems with crime, especially those related to drink and drugs, sadly a problem for many towns
Pastoral Care
The members of the Pastoral Care Team, of which there are around 20, work to care and pray for the elderly, the housebound, the critically ill, those in hospital and the recently bereaved. They also take home communion to those who request it and are committed to all who need help.
The team members meet for bible study and to affirm one another. However, there are many others in our congregation who, unseen and unnamed, visit and help improve the lives of many for whom they care.
In September we plan a short 4-week Diocesan Bereavement course as some, after a recent stewardship campaign, have shown an interest in being involved in bereavement visiting.
Worship Committees
Four members of St. Mark's meet monthly in the homes of each one in turn. Hymns and music are selected for the 9.30 service as well as for occasional evening services. Requests and comments from members of the congregation are considered. This committee also discusses any matters that might arise around the `shape' of services. Clergy attend when commitments allow.
Four members of St. Luke's congregation meet once a month. They set up the rota for the following month, selecting the readers, the intercessors and stewards. They also choose the hymns based on the Lectionary Reading. One member of the team then prints and distributes the rotas to all concerned.
There is also a "Focus' worship committee which meets bi-monthly.
St. Mark's Centre Management Committee
This meets every two months a few days before P.C.C. meetings. It deals with the day to day running of the Church Centre (bookings, repairs, heating, cleaning, general maintenance etc.) It is chaired by a Deputy Warden.
Fund-raising at St. Mark's and St. Luke's
Each year at St. Mark's, and at St. Luke's, there is a Summer Fete and an Autumn Bazaar. Other events are held regularly in both churches. Every week at St. Mark's, Open House provides refreshments and a stall that both raises funds and brings visitors into the building. Just before Christmas, we hold a "Punch, Pie and Carols Service' led by the Great Yarmouth Brass Band and there are other musical events of a varied nature. At St. Luke's, there is a monthly Ladies' Guild Coffee Morning to raise funds as well as regular Table Top and Jumble Sales.
Funds are also raised in a variety of events to support our mission giving. This year, for example, a Hunger Lunch was held in support of work in an AIDs clinic in Barkly East, South Africa. We are also regular and generous supporters of Christian Aid, Leprosy Mission, Children's Society and the Suffolk Historic Churches Trust.
Our Vision for the future.
* Nurture personal faith
* House Groups
* Build up our churches
* Child and Youth ministry
* More School links
* Foster local links
* Develop Overseas mission
* Listening and healing
* Prayer Support
A profile of the future Vicar of St. Mark's and St. Luke's
We are looking for a person who has a wide range of abilities, who communicates effectively and listens patiently. We seek a person who questions but does not necessarily have all of the answers, and who challenges us to question as well. We need someone who will be prepared to share with us the challenges of, and opportunities for, communicating the good news of God's love for all people.
* Committed to prayer and healing
* Open to the work of the Holy Spirit
* Has a vision for mission in the local and wider communities
* Accepting of all
Gifts/ Abilities
* Good communicator
* Good listener
* Able to encourage and empower the growth of faith in individuals
* Relates to all age groups
* Delegates responsibly
* Values and supports pastoral care
Leadership Style
* Collaborative Team leader
* Has vision for the future
* Values music in worship
* Encourages lay ministry
* Will have a perceptive overview of all activities
* Sense of humour
* Energetic and enthusiastic