Battersea Fields, All Saints

All Saints is a friendly world community where you are accepted as you are.

Worship is participative and inclusive in a liberal catholic tradition, but we are informal and during worship services, we sit in a circle with the altar at the centre.

We focus on prayer and bible study to enrich our own spiritual development and the life of the church, in co-operation with Anglican Franciscans.

We seek to work with other faith and local communities on caring for the environment and on climate justice. 

Get in touch

The Very Revd. S Anand Asir Anand

All Saints Vicarage
100 Prince of Wales Drive
SW11 4bd

SW11 4BD
Associate Vicar
Associate Vicar

We said goodbye to Revd Anand Asir and his wife Revd. Jesse last summer after 17 years in the parish.

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