St Helens service of Rededication

A service of Thanksgiving and Rededication was held on Sunday 28th April 2024.

The Service was led by Canon Bill Ankers, and our organist Jonathan Piercy played to accompany hymns.  We were very pleased to also welcome Swinton Brass Band, and hear the lovely sound of their instruments echoing through the church.   The Street Music group were also in attendance and sang two beautiful anthems.  

Canon Bill led us in a service he entitled "A walk through the Church".  Canon Bill began his service at the door of the church and explained the significance of the font being placed there.  He went on towards the lectern and then to the pulpit.  It was such an interesting sermon recognizing the churches long heritage in that there has been a building on the site for almost 1000 years.  

There are in the porch of St Helens some ancient Anglo Saxon grave slabs, believed to be around 900 years.  How wonderful to think that people have been worshiping on this site for such a long time.  Our Church is a very important part of our three Villages lives and is is good to have been able to carry out these essential repairs 

We would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who contributed towards the work that has been carried out at St Helens Church.  Whether it was in washing up at our events, serving teas, gifting prizes, coming to our table top sale, our Carol service, Bingo or attending church and donating there.  We are grateful to everyone. The Church is there for all of our community and is open daily for quiet prayer and reflection.  

We continue to hold services on the fourth Sunday of each month, and our door is open, all welcome.  We have refreshments after each service, so come and say hello.