About Us
Seen by hundreds of thousands of visitors each year as they tour Dover Castle, St. Mary in Castro is, first and foremost, a working place of worship.
Services are usually at 10am every Sunday, (unless highlighted below)
Services are normally Holy Communion unless otherwise stated, with Sung Matins on the second Sunday each month.
All are welcome to attend any of our services, please advise the kiosk of your intentions.
If you are intending to continue to visit the Castle after the service please purchase a ticket in the usual manner.
The Church is open at all times during your visit to the Castle.
The Churchwardens are :
Marianne Slater & Mary Sherred
01304 790340
Services In March / April 2025
Sun 02 Mar 10:00 Sunday before Lent / St David
Wed 05 Mar 12:00 Ash Wednesday
Sun 09 Mar 10:00 Matins Lent 1
Sun 16 Mar 10:00 Lent 2 / St Patrick
Sun 23 Mar 10:00 Lent 3 / Annunciation
Sun 30 Mar 10:00 Lent 4 / Mothering Sunday
Sun 06 Apr 10:00 Matins Lent 5 / ACM to follow
Sun 13 Apr 10:00 Palm Sunday
Thu 17 Apr 19:00 Maundy Thursday
Fri 18 Apr 10:00 Walk of Witness - from Dover Town Hall to Wall above St Mary in Castro - Christians Together in Dover
Fri 18 Apr 14:00 Good Friday
Sun 20 Apr 05:30 Easter Sunrise - on Wall above St Mary in Castro - Christians Together in Dover
Sun 20 Apr 10:00 Easter Sunday
Sun 27 Apr 10:00 Easter 2 / St George / St Mark
Sun 04 May 10:00 Easter 3 / St Philip & St James
Sun 11 May 10:00 Easter 4
Sun 18 May 10:00 Easter 5
Sun 25 May 10:00 Morning Prayer Easter 6 / RA Foundation Day
Thu 29 May 19:00 Ascension
Once the local Garrison church, it is now an Extra-parochial Church in Canterbury Diocese, but it still keeps a military ethos.
All services are open to everyone, if attending worship, an entry ticket from English Heritage is not required. The church is inside the Castle grounds and, from its Saxon beginnings, has served garrisons within the castle and in the surrounding area.
There is still an active congregation, with a Church council and Co-coordinating Chaplain and is part of the Church of England, if not technically the Deanery of Dover.
Although we have no parish we have many thousands of children visiting each year. Our Church Council takes Safeguarding very seriously and has appointed a Safeguarding Coordinator for both Vulnerable Adults and Children - Miranda Chapman - who may be contacted on 07969 614420.
Sited on the White Cliffs of Dover with a 360 degree panorama the age of the church is uncertain but the current building dates from 800 to 1000AD (late Saxon ). It is likely that it is on the site of earlier Roman foundations, either a place of worship or a building linked to the Roman lighthouse, Pharos, which is by the West door. Roman building materials, especially tiles, were re-used by the Saxons in walls and arches.
At the end of the seventeenth century, church attendance dropped, the church fell into ruins. It was later used as a fives court, a coal store and rubbish dump. In 1862 the church was restored by George Gilbert Scott and the distinctive mosaic work and other cosmetic additions were added by William Butterfield in 1889/90.
The church played a major part during the two world wars as a place of worship and contemplation for those stationed in the castle, or those heading overseas. During the spring and summer of 1940 services continued despite almost constant air-raids and anti-aircraft fire.