These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Cathedral Lent Retreat 2025

for 8 hours, 30 mins
George Bell House, 4 Canon Lane
George Bell House, 4 Canon Lane

Join us for this reflective day, led by Revd Canon Dr Earl Collins

After a celebration of the Eucharist in the Lady Chapel, Dr Collins will speak (in George Bell House, 4 Canon Lane) on The Baptism of Jesus, The Transfiguration of Jesus, The Exaltation of Jesus and The Comings of Jesus, interspersed with time for prayer, contemplation and silence.

The day concludes with Choral Evensong in the Cathedral.

Please register with [email protected].

Spaces cost £20.00 for the day, please bring a packed lunch.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament during Lent

Wednesday 12 March 2025, Wednesday 19 March 2025, Wednesday 26 March 2025, Wednesday 02 April 2025, Wednesday 09 April 2025, Wednesday 16 April 2025 at for 1 hour
Chichester Cathedral
West Street Chichester, PO19 1PX, United Kingdom

All are welcome to join us in this opportunity to deepen our relationship with God.

Join us for an hour of personal prayer and adoration as we sit, silently, with Jesus Christ our Saviour, present in the Blessed Sacrament.


Wednesdays 12th, 19th, 26th March; 2nd, 9th, 16th April (2.30pm – 3.30pm)

Palm Sunday

for 10 hours
Chichester Cathedral
West Street Chichester, PO19 1PX, United Kingdom

All are welcome to join our special services during Holy Week & Easter

8.00am - Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer (said)
9.15am - Service for Children, Families and Caregivers
10.15am - Choral Mattins
11.15am – Sung Eucharist with Procession of Palms (also livestreamed)
Our service begins outside on the south-east corner of the Cathedral Green. Palms are blessed, and we process along West Street into the Cathedral, recalling Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and the beginning of his journey to death and resurrection. When the congregation reaches the Cathedral the service continues with a dramatic reading of the Passion.
3.00pm - Choral Evensong (also livestreamed)

Choral Compline

Monday 14 April 2025 at for 45 mins
Chichester Cathedral
West Street Chichester, PO19 1PX, United Kingdom

All are welcome to join our special services during Holy Week & Easter.

Compline is a service of quietness and reflection before rest at the end of the day. It derives its name from the Latin word for "completion", referring to the completion of the waking day.

Choral Compline will be held at 8.00pm on Monday and Tuesday of Holy Week (14th and 15th April). With music sung by the Lay Vicars of the Cathedral Choir.

Holy Wednesday

for 12 hours, 15 mins
Chichester Cathedral
West Street Chichester, PO19 1PX, United Kingdom

All are welcome to join our special services during Holy Week & Easter.

7.45am - Morning Prayer said
8.00am - Holy Communion
12.00noon - Diocesan Chrism Eucharist
The Chrism Eucharist brings the clergy and laity of the diocese together to renew their commitment to follow Christ. The clergy renew their ordination vows before the Bishop, and the Oils of the sick, of baptism and of chrism are blessed. At the end of the service, the oils are distributed for use in parishes throughout the diocese.
Celebrant and Preacher: The Lord Bishop of Chichester, The Right Reverend Dr Martin Warner
3.00pm - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
8.00pm - Tenebrae: The Liturgy of Shadows
A service of readings, reflection and organ music. Candles are lit, and extinguished, as we recount Jesus’ last days.

Maundy Thursday Services

for 11 hours, 15 mins
Chichester Cathedral
West Street Chichester, PO19 1PX, United Kingdom

All are welcome to join our special services during Holy Week & Easter.

On Maundy Thursday, we remember Jesus sharing the Last Supper with his disciples, the institution of the Eucharist, before his death on Good Friday.

7.45am - Morning Prayer said
8.00am - Holy Communion
10.30am - Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer
7.00pm - The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday livestreamed
In this special Eucharist service, we recall Jesus’ supreme example of humble service in washing the feet of his disciples. Sung by the Cathedral Choir.
Celebrant and Preacher: The Lord Bishop of Chichester, The Right Reverend Dr Martin Warner
The service concludes with a silent vigil until 10pm

Good Friday Services

for 10 hours, 15 mins
Chichester Cathedral
West Street Chichester, PO19 1PX, United Kingdom

All are welcome to join our special services during Holy Week & Easter.

7:45am - Morning Prayer said
9:30am - The Easter Story Retold: A Good Friday Service for Children, Families and Caregivers
In this special service for children, families and caregivers, we follow in the footsteps of Jesus from Palm Sunday to Good Friday, pausing at different places in the Cathedral to remember the path to Calvary that Jesus followed.
The service will end with Hot Cross Buns.
12:00pm - Three Hours' Devotion (also livestreamed)
Led by The Dean, The Very Reverend Dr Edward Dowler
1:30pm - The Liturgy of the Passion (also livestreamed)
The Cathedral Choir sings the account of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus in The Liturgy of the Passion, and we are invited to pray before the cross.
Celebrant and Preacher: The Lord Bishop of Chichester, The Right Reverend Dr Martin Warner

Easter Vigil with Baptism and Confirmation

for 1 hour
Chichester Cathedral
West Street Chichester, PO19 1PX, United Kingdom

All are welcome to join our special services during Holy Week & Easter.

In this special service marking the beginning of our Easter celebrations, our watching and waiting throughout Lent is rewarded with light.

Our service begins outside, where from a new fire the Paschal Candle is lit. As we process into the Cathedral, the light from the candle is shared amongst the congregation. We celebrate the victory of light over darkness, of life over death, as we hear scriptural readings telling of our creation by God and how he restores us to new life. Christians are then baptized and confirmed by the Bishop of Chichester, and welcomed into the family of the Church, before we all share in the First Eucharist of Easter.

Easter Day

for 7 hours, 15 mins
Chichester Cathedral
West Street Chichester, PO19 1PX, United Kingdom

All are welcome to join our special services on Easter Day.

We celebrate Jesus’ glorious resurrection from the dead in the following services:

8.00am - Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer said
9.15am - Service for Children, Families and Caregivers
10.15am - Choral Mattins
11.15am - Sung Eucharist livestreamed
Celebrant and Preacher: The Lord Bishop of Chichester, The Right Reverend Dr Martin Warner
3.00pm - Choral Evensong livestreamed