Experience Easter
- Occurring
- for 1 day
- Venue
- Nine Elms, St George's Battersea Fields
- Address 11 Patmore Street Battersea London, SW8 4JD, United Kingdom
Local primary school children will be visiting St George's to experience the events of Holy Week in a multi-sensory, imaginative way. Small groups will be guided round the events of Jesus's last week on earth, from the hopeful clamour of Palm Sunday, to the intimate last dinner with his friends, and the fervent praying in the garden. Church volunteers will ask the children to imagine themselves in these scenes, and then they will contemplate the meaning of the cross, and look into the empty tomb. Easter is a Christian festival that is central to our faith, and this Experience is a powerful way to help children understand what happened and why it is important.
Experience Easter
26 Mar 2025, 9:45 a.m. for 1 day
Experience Easter
26 Mar 2025, 9:45 a.m. for 1 day