You may be aware that the times of our services will be changing in the coming months. I intend to introduce the change in August, so the first Sunday with the new service times will be 4th August.The pattern of services on Sundays will be 9.30am at St George, Stalybridge and 11.30am at St George, Mossley. The pattern of worship at St John the Baptist, Roughtown is still to be confirmed, but there will be a service of Holy Communion at 8am once a month on the first Sunday.I know these are big changes and some of you may be unhappy with the new arrangements, but, I’m afraid they have to made. I hope over time as we settle in to the new worship pattern we will get used to worshipping together at these different times, and find that God continues to bless us and we pray calls more people to join us.You’ll notice that I’m using the word worship. This is, of course, deliberate because this is what we do and are as the Church. We worship God and we seek to serve God. This is not changing! Please pray for our churches as we look to the future and to what God is asking of us.Revd Denise
The meetings for the Girl Guides 5th Stalybridge Rainbows group will end on 27th March (until further notice) due to their members being promoted to Brownies, and those waiting to join being too young at present. We look forward to it restarting when it can.