Sung Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Margaret of Antioch
Princes Road Toxteth Liverpool, L8 1TG, United Kingdom

Each Sunday morning, we celebrate the Eucharist with hymns, readings and a sermon.
We have a variety of preachers and celebrants, all in the modern catholic liberal tradition.
You will enjoy the smells and bells, and the warm welcome and inclusivity we offer! Everyone is very welcome!

St Margaret of Antioch

We are a parish firmly rooted in the liberal catholic tradition of the Church of England and the Eucharist is at the centre of our worshipping life. Good music, enlightened preaching, and dynamic liturgy all help us to worship God and to engage with those who want to encounter God.

Get in touch

Hilary Gough

+44 (0)7807643723
Parish Administrator
+44 (0)7973212137

Our website

What's on

Sung Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Margaret of Antioch
Princes Road Toxteth Liverpool, L8 1TG, United Kingdom

Each Sunday morning, we celebrate the Eucharist with hymns, readings and a sermon.
We have a variety of preachers and celebrants, all in the modern catholic liberal tradition.
You will enjoy the smells and bells, and the warm welcome and inclusivity we offer! Everyone is very welcome!