Electoral roll renewal 2025
Every six years the Church of England requires that each church carries out a complete renewal of its electoral roll, and that renewal is now taking place. This means that everyone who wishes to continue to be on the electoral roll must reapply.
I do hope that you will want to continue to be on the electoral roll of St Mary’s, Elmesthorpe. Below is some information about why this is important. I would like to thank you for being on the roll and your ongoing commitment to St Mary’s.
Along with joining the electoral roll is a desire to attend worship. If you are unable to do this due to illness or infirmity, and would like to receive Holy Communion at home, please get in touch and we will be happy to arrange that.
The easiest way to reapply (or to apply for the first time) is by completing this online form. Alternatively you can pick up an application form in church and return it to the church office.
I would be grateful if you could submit your application by Sunday 13th April. If you would like someone to pick up your completed form then do contact the church office on 01455 843961. Please also contact us if you have any questions.
Once again, thank you and may God bless you.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Castle.
Priest in Charge
Being on the electoral roll of St Mary’s, Elmesthorpe:
1. Shows that you are a full member of St Mary’s. It is a crucial way of sharing in and supporting the vision for the church, giving you the right to vote at the Annual Church Meeting.
2. Is a statement of commitment. It is a way of saying that I am going to develop the spiritual part of my life within a particular church family. Many people today struggle with the concept of commitment but we want to affirm that continuity in relationships and stability in a place of worship are of real value in knowing God better.
3. Is to be accepted and loved for who I am. It is a source of joy.
4. Is a way of acknowledging that I have an important part to play in the life of the church.
5. Is an acknowledgement that I need other members of the church to help me fulfil my God-given potential.
6. Is to give assent to the historic creeds and beliefs of the Church.
7. Doesn’t exclude the possibility of differences in opinion however. We realize that we all need to grow in self-awareness and have prejudices that need to be challenged.
8. Implies a desire to support the church in various ways according to personal circumstances: through prayer, financial giving, offering time and talents, encouraging others.
9. Is an encouragement to receive support, affirmation and love from others in the Church community.
10. Expresses a desire to serve the mission of God in our particular parish and diocese and in the wider world.