Children - Sunday Club
Children's Discovery Zone
Children are always welcome at our services.
The Children's Discovery Zone runs during term time on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays and the children enjoy their own activities in the Parish Room during the 11am service. The Children start the service sitting with their parents, leaving for their activites during the first hymn and returning in time to meet their family to go up to the altar rail togther for communion or a blessing.
There is a story, prayer, sometimes singing and an activity. Towards the end of the main service they are usually invited to the front to share what they've done with an appreciative audience - they usually manage to upstage the clergy!
If children do wish to remain in church with their family they are welcome to do so. There are activity pages, colouring pictures, pens and some reading books at the back of church to which they are welcome to help themselves. There are also toys available for use at the back of the church in the carpeted area.
On the fourth Sunday of the month (in Term time) Messy Church takes place in church. Outside of Term time the service in church is suitable for the children to stay with their families in church. The service is simplified and includes a short talk suitable for all ages.