Morning Prayer

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday at for 20 mins
St Michael & All Angels, Barnes
Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London, SW13 0NX, United Kingdom

A quiet and reflective way to start the day

Everyday except Fridays

Saturday Mass

Every Saturday at
St Michael & All Angels, Barnes
Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London, SW13 0NX, United Kingdom

A traditional Mass service. This service may be especially appropriate for those who would prefer smaller gatherings than on Sunday. At present we are unable to serve coffee afterwards.

Low Mass

Every Sunday at for 40 mins
St Michael & All Angels, Barnes
Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London, SW13 0NX, United Kingdom

A short and quiet Mass in traditional language.

St Michael's Choir

Every Wednesday and Sunday at for 2 hours
St Michael & All Angels, Barnes
Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London, SW13 0NX, United Kingdom

St Michael's Choir is a diverse group of singers of all ages and experience singing beautiful music from ancient to modern. The Choir sings most Sundays during term time for the 10am Sung Mass and special services through the year with some members singing regularly and others less often. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 8.15pm. We are always pleased to welcome new member so please do get in touch with our Director of Music on [email protected]

Sung Parish Mass

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Michael & All Angels, Barnes
Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London, SW13 0NX, United Kingdom

Sung Mass with Choir (during term time) and hymns. Family Mass on the last Sunday of the month with participation from our children and families.

Children's Mass

Every First, Second, Third Sunday at for 30 mins
St Michael & All Angels, Barnes
Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London, SW13 0NX, United Kingdom

This is a fully child-friendly and fun service for families, lasting about 30 minutes. The children take part throughout the service in various ways, and the order of service is cartoon illustrated to help them follow what's going on. Every Sunday (during term time) except last Sunday of the month (when we join together at 10am).

Every Sunday except for the last of the month, and throughout August

Evening Prayer

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St Michael & All Angels, Barnes
Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London, SW13 0NX, United Kingdom

Evening Prayer, usually a said Book of Common Prayer service. On some occasions in the year this is a sung service of Choral Evensong.

Holy Hour

Every Monday at for 1 hour
St Michael & All Angels, Barnes
Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London, SW13 0NX, United Kingdom

Silent Prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Simply silence, nothing more and nothing less. A time to rest in the presence of Christ. Come for just a few minutes or the whole hour.

Angelus and Mass

Every Wednesday at
St Michael & All Angels, Barnes
Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London, SW13 0NX, United Kingdom

Mass. This service may be especially appropriate for those who would prefer smaller gatherings than on Sunday.

Barnes Children's Choir

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
St Michael & All Angels, Barnes
Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London, SW13 0NX, United Kingdom

Children's Choir for age 5 upwards led by Owen Elsley, professional musician and Director of Music at St Michael & All Angels, Barnes. Come and join us on Wednesdays at 3.30pm during term time. The children will learn a range of music from contemporary to traditional, and be invited to sing in some services and concerts. No prior experience needed - only enthusiasm! a charge of £5 per session is requested, but there are free places available too. email music@stmichaelbarnes for more info and to sign up.

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School term time only

Family Mass

Every Last Sunday at for 1 hour
St Michael & All Angels, Barnes
Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London, SW13 0NX, United Kingdom

On the fourth Sunday of every month there is usually an All-Age Family Mass at 10am which is slightly shorter that our usual service and includes full involvement of children who take part in the readings, prayers and liturgy as servers, and there is an interactive child-friendly address.

Usually the fourth Sunday of the month.

Mothering Sunday All Age Mass

for 1 hour
St Michael & All Angels, Barnes
Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London, SW13 0NX, United Kingdom

A special all age service for Mothering Sunday with blessing and distribution of flowers. An interactive address from Fr James and Gemma Curran (Children's Ministry Leader). There will also be a pop-up star from Nourish and Grow - a local community bakery selling bread and preserves.