The Parish of Hugglescote with Donington, Ellistown and Snibston   REGULAR SUNDAY SERVICES


St.John the Baptist, Hugglescote

Weekly services at 9.30 am Sung Holy Communion

Family services on the 1st Sunday in the month at 10 am



St. Christopher’s, Ellistown

2nd and 4th Sunday in the month Communion service at 11.15 am

Messy church services on the 1st Sunday in the month at 3 pm



St. Mary’s Snibston

Holy Communion 8.30am - 2nd Sunday



Midweek Services


St John the Baptist, Hugglescote

Midweek Holy Communion at 10 am First Wednesday in the Month


St Christopher’s, Ellistown

Coffee morning 10 am- 12 All Welcome