Parish Giving Scheme

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St Peter's has joined the Parish Giving Scheme. This is a way for those who wish to support the upkeep of the church to give a donation either monthly, quarterly or annually by Direct Debit and it allows you to enhance your gift by choosing to Gift Aid (if you are a taxpayer) which adds 25% to your giving.

It costs approximately £720 per month to maintain St Peter's.  Insurance alone costs £244 per month, then there is gas, electric, water ...   

Each year the boiler has to be serviced, the lightning conductor tested and all the electrical appliances PAT tested amongst other things.

In 2023 the quinquennial inspection took place; this is a legally required survey of all aspects of the church's fabric and identifies areas that require maintenance or repair.  This survey identified approximately £15,000 worth of work which needs to be done.  The quinquennial inspection, which must be carried out by a professional architect, cost £840.  The quinquennial tree inspection also took place in 2023 which cost approx £650 and this identified a tree which had to be removed due to excessive decay; the cost of the removal of this tree was approx £2,200.

To donate, please follow this link: Bardon Hill St Peter - Parish Giving Scheme

All donations are gratefully accepted.