We are delighted to present the programme for this year’s Barnes Music Festival with the theme of Music & Literature, exploring how literature has shaped music and vice-versa. We have an exciting programme of 36 events over two weeks at venues across Barnes. We open the festival with the Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields and a pre-festival talk by Sir Antonio Pappano. Later in the festival we host Opera Holland Park as well as Gesualdo Six and the King’s College London Choir.Visit Barnes Music Festival for full details
We are delighted to announce that, in consultation with the Patronage Board, the Bishop of Southwark has appointed the Rev’d Calum Zuckert to be Team Rector of Barnes, subject to the usual legal formalities. Calum is a Minor Canon in St Albans Cathedral in the Diocese of St Albans, having previously served his curacy at Winchmore Hill in the Diocese of London. He was ordained in 2019. In his role in St Albans, Calum has responsibility for ministry to children and young people ‘up to age 40’ – according to his role description! While there, he has developed the Cathedral’s provision for young people, growing the staff and creating a dedicated children’s area in church. He has also led on large projects. Calum works in the Diocese as an Assistant Director of Ordinands, and in his time away from church enjoys conducting community choirs. Calum brings a passion for music, and a desire for the church to look out beyond our walls to the community beyond. In his spare time, he enjoys seeing friends, cooking, and flying light aircraft. Calum comments, “I am humbled and excited beyond measure to have been invited to serve among you as your Rector. My visit to Barnes was a fantastic day, and I have loved finding more out about you. Please pray for me during this season of preparation and be assured of my prayers for you.’ It is anticipated that Calum will move to Barnes towards the beginning of Lent and be instituted at St Mary’s on March 3rd 2025.
SPECIAL SERVICES for SAME-SEX COUPLES - a statement of welcome and invitationOur churches have a long-standing tradition of inclusion and welcome, which we believe reflects the love of God for all people. We therefore rejoice that the Church of England has finally agreed that same-sex couples may celebrate their love with a special service in church. At the same time, we recognise with sorrow that this change has taken so long to come about and those for whom it comes too late. We look forward to holding these services as soon as they are officially approved, and following endorsement from our respective parish church councils. We expect this to take place in the next few months, and invite any couples who wish to hold a service to get in touch with us. With best wishes and prayers, The Rev’d James Hutchings, Vicar of St Mary, Barnes and Rector of the Barnes Team Ministry The Rev’d Stephen Stavrou, Team Vicar of St Michael & All Angels, BarnesNovember 2023