About Us
St Eustachius Church sits in the centre of the historic market town of Tavistock, opposite the Town Hall and next to the ruins of the old abbey. The church is open daily, both for worship, and as a quiet space for reflection and historical interest.
We are part of a team of churches called the Tavistock Mission Community, which includes St Paul's, Gulworthy, and the two churches of Brent Tor, St Michael's and Christchurch.
Most of our eucharistic services are Common Worship, except the early service (8am) on the first Sunday of each month, which is BCP Holy Communion.
We have Choral Evensong on most major feast days (with the exception of Christmas Day; sorry!), which is also BCP.
The Holy Eucharist is led by both female and male priests, while Evensong may also be led by one of our Licensed Lay MInisters (i.e. Lay Readers). During the week, Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer may also be led by a member of the laity.
We have a children's group most Sundays, which meets in a room off the church, but there is also a children's area in the church if they prefer to stay close to family members.
Our music is mainly organ, but we also blend in the grand piano, oboe and flute from time to time. We have a robed choir to help lead our worship.
We have a good sound system with a hearing loop, and large-print service sheets are available.
There are no steps to the door.
Refreshments are served after the main Sunday Eucharist and you are most welcome to stay and join us for those - we'd love to meet you and make you welcome.