Facilities and features


We have two toilets at the back of church, one of which is accessible with baby changing facilities.

Yes, we have baby changing facilities in one of the toilets.

We have a small church car park available for those visiting the church and grounds. Camper van drivers are asked to park with consideration for other car park users, and to move their vehicle as soon as they have finished their visit. Over-night parking is not permitted.

Installed with all the latest required fitments in 2017 including a safety alarm

There are two spaces for disabled drivers.

The nearest defibrillator is on the front of Kirkby Malham Parish Hall, which is on the main street very near the Victoria Inn. There is also one at Town End Farm Shop in Airton.

There are no steps, access to the building is on the flat.

We have an induction loop.

Assistant dogs are welcome.

Our Building

St Michael's is open every day of the year from 9am to dusk, and visitors are welcome to leave a prayer request in the Lady Chapel, where prayer materials are available. Members of the church community will pray for requests made. We are sorry but we cannot provide facilities for the lighting of candles during the day due to the fire risk.

We are actively working to develop the wildflower meadow in our churchyard. Further information is available on site, and on our website.

Grade 1

Music and Worship

We have a fine peal of 8 bells. Practice night is Tuesday 7.30pm-9pm.
Sunday ringing 9.30am-10am
Visitors and those who would like to learn are always welcome.

We have live music and concerts on several occasions during the year. The church has a fine acoustic and we would like to develop the range of musical events on offer. Details of forthcoming events will be posted on our website and Facebook page.

The Church has a very good Wyvern Digital/electronic Organ with two manuals and pedals and a large specification.
We always welcome those who would like to join our team of Organists.

On the first Sunday of each month we have a BCP Holy Communion service in the Lady Chapel at 8.30am.

St Michael's has a small but faithful choir who sing at most services. New members of any age are always welcome.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Meets monthly. Please contact Revd Sue McWhinney for more information

St Michael's has a long-standing partnership with the City of Sanctuary in Leeds. Each September we welcome residents from other countries, cultures and faiths for a residential weekend. We also have links with people of other faiths who are based in Bradford.

We have a regular home group meeting for Bible study and discussion in term time. Please contact Revd Sue McWhinney for more information.

We are regularly involved in hosting or supporting community events.

Help for Visitors

Guides can be pre-booked for groups. Please contact Revd Sue McWhinney.

We have a free small guide and interpretation boards for some of the main features of the Church. There is also a comprehensive guide book available to purchase for £4.

Open from about 9.00 am until early evening every day of the year.

Other Features

The Kirkby Malham Parish Hall is available for hire. Please email [email protected] with any enquiries.