Anna Chaplaincy

The Anna Chaplaincy Team support older people emotionally and spiritually.

Revd Heather Turner is the Anna Chaplain, contact her on [email protected] or 07946352026.  Paul and Valerie are commissioned Anna Friends.

Anna lunches and teas are open to all in their maturity but we also welcome anyone who would value the social interaction it affords. Any questions, please ring Revd Heather on the number above.

New Year Greetings from the Anna team
We look forward to meeting You and Yours during 2025. There will be an Anna event in February, meanwhile a Community lunch is planned at the Bottle and Glass for January 30th at 1 pm. Please register your interest now with Revd Heather on 07946352026 or [email protected]  

We look forward to seeing you.

Please see the Benefice Prayer Group page (for Henley Manor and Albert Court) or Diary - Two Months page (Tower House and Lashbrook House) for information on what happens at local residential care homes.