What's On This Week

22nd September - 17th Sunday after Trinity
10:00 Eucharist with Wholeness and Healing - Harpsden
OT - Jeremiah 11.18-20 NT - James 3.13-4.3, 7-8a Gospel - Mark 9.30-37

09:00 Morning Prayer on Zoom
09:45 Staff Meeting

14:00 St Margaret's Tuesday Prayer Group - Albert Court, Mill Lane
19:30 Bell Ringing Practice

 10:00 Mid week Eucharist - Harpsden
Gospel - Luke 9.1-6
11:00 Bible Study - Harpsden
14:30 Cuppa and Chat - Dunsden

15:00 Bell Ringing

12:30 Choir Practice - Harpsden

10:00 Bell Ringing
12:30 Harvest Lunch - Harpsden Hall

29th September - St Michael and All Angels Harvest Festival
08:00 BCP Eucharist - Shiplake
09:30 Lay led service - Harpsden
11:00 Lay led service - Dunsden
Joint service for Shiplake and Dunsden
12:30 Harvest Lunch - Dunsden
OT - Genesis 28.10-17 NT - Revelation 12.7-12 Gospel - John 1.47-end

The Church of England Daily Prayers (text and audio) are available here.

Shiplake and Harpsden churches are open every day for private prayer