There is good news on the 'plaster disaster' front - we are planning to re-open Seagrave church very soon. The first service back in church will be Songs of Praise on Sunday 19th January at 5pm (tea and cake at 4.30pm). Please do join us if you can.
The church architect and contractor did some further investigation of the plaster problem just before Christmas and have identified that the south aisle is the area of concern. This area will be roped off, but we are able to use the nave, north aisle and the social area at the back of church, all of which are safe. There is of course still rectification work to be done and the cost will not be less than the original estimate as there is now concern over archaeological remains (specifically, fragments of medieval wall paintings) which would need to be conserved. However, the project will be progressed as soon as the PCC can obtain the necessary permissions from the Diocese. We are very grateful to all who have contributed to the ‘Plaster Disaster’ Fund so far – thank you.
The church will not be open immediately, as there is cleaning and moving back of furniture to be done, so the breakfast service on 5th January will be in The Stables at 9.30 am (light breakfast from 9am). Other weekly activities such as Monday Coffee Hour and Tuesday Music and Hymns will resume in church as soon as possible. Wednesday Club is planned to resume on 22nd January.