Informal morning service with Children's groups

Monthly. Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Rothley: St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist
Church Street Rothley Leicester, LE7 7PD, United Kingdom

Refreshments served before this service. Children aged 3-14 years are in for 10 minutes at the beginning and go to Sunday School and Grid groups for most of the service, returning to church at 12 noon.
Includes singing accompanied by a worship group with various instruments. Variety of hymns.

Rothley: St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist

Get in touch

Rev'd Rob Gladstone

What's on

Informal morning service with Children's groups

Monthly. Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Rothley: St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist
Church Street Rothley Leicester, LE7 7PD, United Kingdom

Refreshments served before this service. Children aged 3-14 years are in for 10 minutes at the beginning and go to Sunday School and Grid groups for most of the service, returning to church at 12 noon.
Includes singing accompanied by a worship group with various instruments. Variety of hymns.