Morning Service with Holy Communion

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Rothley: St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist
Church Street Rothley Leicester, LE7 7PD, United Kingdom

Includes sermon, prayers and more traditional hymns accompanied by choir and organ.
Refreshments served afterwards


Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Rothley: St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist
Church Street Rothley Leicester, LE7 7PD, United Kingdom

An accessible, family-friendly event in church or churchyard. Always something different. Can be songs, games, activities, crafts, prayers, bible, worship band, videos, treats and take-homes. Varied format, but always interesting!
Designed with young children and families in mind, but open to all, especially the young-at-heart

'Said' Morning Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Rothley: St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist
Church Street Rothley Leicester, LE7 7PD, United Kingdom

Service usually follows Book of Common Prayer, without hymn singing or musical accompaniment

Informal morning service with Children's groups

Monthly. Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Rothley: St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist
Church Street Rothley Leicester, LE7 7PD, United Kingdom

Refreshments served before this service. Children aged 3-14 years are in for 10 minutes at the beginning and go to Sunday School and Grid groups for most of the service, returning to church at 12 noon.
Includes singing accompanied by a worship group with various instruments. Variety of hymns.

Choral Evensong or Songs of Praise

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Rothley: St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist
Church Street Rothley Leicester, LE7 7PD, United Kingdom

Choir-led service either Choral Evensong or Songs of Praise with church members choosing hymns and giving reasons/testimonies. Choral Evensong includes congregational hymns at beginning and end

In the summer months and on occasions this might be replaced by "Songs of Praise" type of service with church and choir members choosing hymns and giving their reasons for choosing them

Morning Service

Monthly. Every Third, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Rothley: St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist
Church Street Rothley Leicester, LE7 7PD, United Kingdom

Includes sermon, hymns accompanied by Choir and Organ

All-age Morning Service with Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Rothley: St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist
Church Street Rothley Leicester, LE7 7PD, United Kingdom

Informal service, family-friendly, with singing accompanied by worship group and a variety of musical instruments.
Sometimes crafts and children's activities included. Short talk with illustrations.
Refreshments served before and self-service afterwards. Short Holy Communion included within the service.

All Together Service for Fifth Sunday

Sunday 30 June 2024 at for 1 hour
Rothley: St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist
Church Street Rothley Leicester, LE7 7PD, United Kingdom

Only one service on 5th Sunday. Everyone worships together. Includes short talk, prayer, hymns, worship group, sometimes organ, choir, sometimes Holy Communion, sometimes Morning Service. Followed by refreshements. Often followed by lunch together for whole church community and open to all.

Fifth Sunday of the month