Facilities and features
The toilet in the Church is up 2 steps from the north aisle, or there is level access via the outside. A fully wheelchair accessible toilet is in the Church hall, which is available for our use during Sunday services, but may be hired out on other days.
A public car park is reached just before the church. For large services, additional parking may be arranged in the field beyond
The toilet in the Church is up 2 steps from the north aisle, or there is level access via the outside. A fully wheelchair accessible toilet is in the Church hall, which is available for our use during Sunday services, but may be hired out on other days.
This is located on the outside of the church hall. A mobile phone is needed to contact the emergency services for instructions.
The west door is level access and is unlocked at all services.
The west door gives level access to the church. While most of the church is filled with pews, some spaces have been cleared for wheelchair users and their companions
Our Building
The church is open daily 9am-6pm
We have some fine Victorian and modern stained glass
We have gained Silver Eco-Church status and are hoping to get to gold!
Grade 2*
Music and Worship
Most Sunday mornings before the 10.30 service and Thursday evenings at 8-9pm. New and visiting ringers welcome
The organ is played at most Sunday services, accompanying hymns and anthems and sending us out with a rousing voluntary!
Holy Communion - first Sunday of the month at 8am
Evensong - Last Sunday of the month at 6pm
Our four-part choir sings most Sunday mornings and rehearses on Tuesday afternoons. New members welcome - contact us for more details.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Contact us for more details of when we meet.
Meeting monthly - contact us for more details.
Help for Visitors
Well-behaved dogs on leads are always welcome
Other Features
The church is located in a historic village setting, surrounded by cottages dating back to Tudor times. The churchyard contains an ancient yew, thought to be 1000 years old.
A modern, well-equipped hall is available - to book phone 01273 890254.
We would be happy to meet with you and offer these prayers for you.