Evensong (BCP)

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 51 mins
St Mary
High St, Westham Westham Eastbourne, BN24 5LL, United Kingdom

A service in traditional language and with a robed choir.

St Mary

A virtual welcome as you read this - we also look forward to extending a physical welcome.

St Mary's is an historic church, believed to be the first Church built by the Normans. We are proud of our heritage, but the thing that truly makes us is that we are a living community that seeks to love God and be his people in our community.

We believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God and encourage the work of the Holy Spirit. We seek to ground our belief in our everyday experiences in this complex world. We are a family centred church with a strong link to the adjacent Pevensey and Westham Primary School. We have many activities to help us grow together, ranging from home and study groups to social activities.

Of course, the best way to experience this is to come and join with us on a Sunday morning. In the meantime, please do view, like and follow our Facebook page.

Get in touch

Rev Canon Dr David GIllard

6 Rattle Road
BN24 5DE

01323 460176

Our website

What's on

Evensong (BCP)

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 51 mins
St Mary
High St, Westham Westham Eastbourne, BN24 5LL, United Kingdom

A service in traditional language and with a robed choir.