Holy Communion

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Peter & St Paul
Off B2099 Wadhurst, TN5, United Kingdom

Common Worship Holy Communion
with Sunday School (J Club) for younger people

J Club

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Peter & St Paul
Off B2099 Wadhurst, TN5, United Kingdom

There are snacks, games, Bible stories, craft and we always have a great time.

For more information, please email Kat: [email protected]

Dads on Saturdays

Monthly. Every Fourth Wednesday and Saturday at for 2 hours
St Peter & St Paul
Off B2099 Wadhurst, TN5, United Kingdom

A great way for dads to spend some quality time with their kids (aimed at 0 to 7 year olds) and catch up with other dads in the village.

It’s usually held on the fourth Saturday of each month in Wadhurst Parish Church. There are toys, crafts and games for the children and bacon rolls, croissants, refreshments and newspapers for the dads.

Come along and meet with other dads/ step-dads/ uncles/ grandparents and even mums for fun, food and good conversations.


Every Wednesday at for 3 hours
St Peter & St Paul
Off B2099 Wadhurst, TN5, United Kingdom

Wadhurst's lunch club for older people

Run entirely by volunteers, the club meets every Wednesday at the Commemoration Hall from 11-3pm.

The members enjoy morning coffee, a two-course home-cooked hot lunch and afternoon tea with planned and volunteer-led activities.

The atmosphere is friendly, convivial, caring and fun.
Lifts to and from can be arranged.

For information for yourself, a family member or neighbour contact Carillon Cottage 01892 785658 or Jackie 01892 7892683

Jellybeans babies and toddlers group

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Peter & St Paul
Off B2099 Wadhurst, TN5, United Kingdom

Jellybeans is a local baby and toddler group run by Wadhurst Parish Church.

Our aim is to be a relaxed and welcoming group, where children, any parents, and carers can feel valued.

For more information, please email Kat: [email protected]

As we are a church group, we use bible stories during story time, and some songs have a Christian theme.

All Age Worship

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter & St Paul
Off B2099 Wadhurst, TN5, United Kingdom

All Age Worship with music from our Worship Band

Midweek Communion

Monthly. Every Second Tuesday at for 1 hour
St Peter & St Paul
Off B2099 Wadhurst, TN5, United Kingdom

Held every second Tuesday of the month at 11:30, with tea and coffee at 11:00.

Morning Worship

Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter & St Paul
Off B2099 Wadhurst, TN5, United Kingdom

Morning Worship
with Sunday School (J Club) for younger people

Youth for Christ

Monthly. Every Third Friday at for 1 hour
St Peter & St Paul
Off B2099 Wadhurst, TN5, United Kingdom

Unite Youth – Run by Tunbridge Wells Youth For Christ, monthly youth evening of fun, food and faith with pizza, workshops, tuck shop, football, games and other surprises on a Friday evening for school year 6-13.

Sign up at www.madapps.uk/twyouth4christ and let Kat know if you have registered.
2024 dates – 15 Mar (5.30pm doors open).

Cost £2-5 per person.

Palm Sunday

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Peter & St Paul
Off B2099 Wadhurst, TN5, United Kingdom

Palm Sunday celebrates the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as King, but it also marks the beginning of the journey that leads to the cross.

Since earliest times, the Gospel accounts relating both these events have been read on Palm Sunday, as a reminder that the crowd which shouted ‘Hosanna’ on Sunday is, by Friday, shouting ‘Crucify’. Today’s service, then, invites us to reflect that there may be, in all of us, this ambivalence between loving Christ and rejecting him.