Related Churches
St Peter
We are a small and welcoming church at the centre of our village community.
As a small rural church our offering is different to that available in a larger community. Our aim is to allow all to worship in a supportive environment as part of a caring community. Regular attenders include those from Stonegate and from the surrounding villages. Newcomers frequently comment on the warmth of the welcome and the fact that they are remembered from week to week.
St John the Baptist
We are a small church with a big heart at the centre of our community.
Tidebrook Church is located half-way between Wadhurst and Mayfield. Built in 1856, it is a listed building mentioned in Pevsner’s Buildings of England.
The beautiful churchyard, with the graves of many former residents of Tidebrook, extends down to the valley where a stream runs through the woodland, providing a haven for wildlife. Visitors often remark on the friendly nature of both the building and the congregation. A service is held in the church most Sundays.
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