Storrington Slimmers

Every Monday at for 1 hour
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

A group called Storrington Slimmers currently meets every week in the church building.
Self-guided slimming – check your own weight and direction.
Meet with others on the weight loss journey.
Celebrate with others – support and share.
Opportunities to share your stories and tips.
Share healthy recipes.
Cooking on a budget.
Make some positive steps to improve health and fitness.
Guest speakers.
£2.50 per session.
N.B. Group does not meet on Bank Holidays.

Tuesday Afternoon Digital Bell Ringing

Every Tuesday at for 4 hours
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

Bell Ringing Practice and Tuition using digital rope and change-ringing technology.
Digital coaching sessions for bell ringers across the Diocese of Chichester.

Wednesday Morning Holy Communion (BCP)

Monthly. Every Second Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

A quiet contemplative Holy Communion service taken from the Book of Common Prayer in traditional language.
The service is followed by Wednesday Morning Café in the Church - filter coffee, tea, refreshments, friendly chat, and games.

Wednesday Morning Café in the Church

Monthly. Every Second Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

Friendly chat over filter coffee, tea, biscuits and cake.
Bring & Buy table and other activities.
All are welcome.

Choir Practice - adults

Every Friday at for 1 hour, 5 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

We are very happy to welcome anyone interested in joining us!
Joining the adult choir has many benefits:
* Improve wellbeing – meeting up and singing with others
* Develop voice skills – including good breathing
* Free tuition to develop musicality skills
* A wide range of music sung - traditional and contemporary.
* Flexibility on how many rehearsals/services you attend
* Sing carols at Christmas – everyone loves a good carol!
* No Fees – it’s free to join and belong!
* No auditions – everyone can sing!
* Forming lasting friendships.
* Having great fun!
We are affiliated with Making Music and The Royal School of Church Music.

Bell Ringing Practice

Every Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

Church bell ringing is a team activity that stimulates the brain and helps to keep you fit. Many bell ringers consider ringing to be their contribution to church and village life, others do it for the pure pleasure it brings. We have six bells at Storrington and the ringing chamber is situated at the west in of the church - ground floor 'draft'.

Why should you consider learning how to ring the bells?
* Bell ringing can be a lifelong learning experience and a great physical and mental workout!
* You will be helping maintain a traditional skill.
* It's for all ages!
* You will be providing a service to St Mary’s, Storrington, and the wider village.
* It is a team activity and a great way to build relationships.
* Learn how to change ring – creating the traditional peal of bells.
* Get the opportunity to visit other bell towers around the county and the UK to ring bells elsewhere.
We are affiliated with The Sussex County Association of Change Ringers.

Saturday Morning Digital Bellringing Practice

Monthly. Every Third Saturday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

Every 3rd Saturday in the month.
Bell Ringing Practice and Tuition using digital rope and change-ringing technology.
Digital coaching sessions for bell ringers across the Diocese of Chichester.

Holy Communion said (BCP)

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

A quiet contemplative Holy Communion service taken from the Book of Common Prayer in traditional language.

Parish Holy Communion sung (Common Worship)

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour, 10 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

Our main Sunday morning worship with Holy Communion taken from Common Worship in contemporary language, with parts of the liturgy that are sung. We also sing four or five hymns, led by the organ and choir. On the Third Sunday of the month the St Luke's Prayer Team offer prayer ministry during the giving of communion.
The service is also available live-streamed on Zoom - please enquire for details.
Refreshments served afterwards - filter coffee, tea, biscuits, cake, and friendly chat.

SPACE - at The Old School

Every First, Third Tuesday at for 2 hours
The Old School
The Old School, School Lane, Storrington, RH20 4LL, United Kingdom

SPACE - Somewhere for People to make Art or Crafts and Escape from home for a couple of hours!

Come and meet with others to work on some craft or art piece. Bring something of your own or work on something different.

All are welcome to come along.

Wednesday Afternoon Holy Communion (BCP)

Monthly. Every Fourth, Fifth Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

A quiet contemplative Holy Communion service taken from the Book of Common Prayer in traditional language.
The service is followed by Afternoon Café in the Church - filter coffee, tea, refreshments, friendly chat, and games.

Wednesday Afternoon Café in the Church

Monthly. Every Fourth, Fifth Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

Friendly chat over filter coffee, tea, biscuits and cake.
Bring & Buy table and other activities.
All are welcome.

Family Worship

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

An informal service - all-age and family friendly.
Interactive worship, usually with Holy Communion.
Refreshments served afterwards - filter coffee, tea, biscuits, cake, and chat.
The service is also available on Zoom - please enquire for details.

Evensong (BCP)

Every First, Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

A quiet sung service of evening prayer using the Book of Common Prayer in traditional language, this is followed by a short sermon and hymns.
N.B. Between November and March, Evensong, when it is listed, will be at 4pm during the winter months.

First and Second Sundays of the month at 4pm (Winter) 6pm (Summer).

Palm Sunday Sung Eucharist

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

Palm Sunday Procession to recall and celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem riding a young donkey.
We shout with joy, "Hosanna! Blessed is he the King who comes in the name of the Lord!" and wave our palm crosses.
Our joy turns to sorrow as we turn towards the shadows of Holy Week as we listen to the Passion Gospel reading.
All ages welcome.

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Maundy Thursday - Service of Holy Communion

for 1 hour
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

Maundy Thursday Holy Communion Service
We celebrate the Institution of Holy Communion as we recall the events of The Last Supper. We come together in love and share together the bread and the wine, as Jesus instructed us to 'do this in remembrance of me'. Towards the end of the service we recall the shadows of that event and the altar communion table is stripped and we depart the service in silence.

Good Friday at St Mary's, Storrington

for 3 hours
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

9.15am Walk of Witness of The Cross
Christians across the village join together at Our Lady of England RC Church and walk to Trinity Methodist Church.

12 Noon Three-hour Good Friday Devotion
A time of quiet reflection and stillness. Silence is kept - please ensure you enter/exit the church building quietly.
At 2pm Last Hour At The Cross Service with readings, reflection and hymns.

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Easter Day - Family Holy Communion

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

We join together to celebrate this glorious Day of Resurrection, proclaiming together that we are an Easter People. We recall Mary Magdalene as she finds the empty tomb and announces the news of the risen Lord to the apostles.
All are welcome to join the celebration!
Refreshments served afterwards, including chocolate treats.

Ascension Day Eucharist

for 1 hour
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

A sung Holy Communion service with hymns and sermon.
40 days after Easter, we join together to commemorate Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven.
Incense is used at this service.

Pentecost Sunday - Parish Holy Communion

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

We celebrate the Day of Pentecost - the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the church, as written in the Bible in the Book of Acts, Chapter 2. It is a special day for the Church - it's the birthday of the Church.
Towards the end of our worship, after we have shared Holy Communion, candles are lighted from the Paschal Candle and we pray to be commissioned by the power of Holy Spirit to go into the community and serve.