These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Lent Course 2025 - in the church building

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

Lent Course 2025 - Diocese of Chichester
'I believe'
Following the focus of the last two years on the Old and New Testaments, as we continue to reflect on the Mystery of Faith, we are invited this year to consider the Nicene Creed, (the first part from the Council of Nicaea in 325AD, the second from that of Constantinople in 381AD).
Weekly outline:
12 March – God the Father Almighty
19 March – The Only Son of God
26 March – The Holy Spirit
2 April – One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church
9 April – The Life of the World To Come

Lent Quiet Day in the church building

for 7 hours, 15 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

Lent Quiet Day
Led by the Rector, Revd Jonathan Swindells in the church building.
All are welcome to any of the following three sessions as we prayerfully reflect on Lent
as a time of renewal.
09.30am - 10.15am;
12 noon - 12.45pm
16.00pm - 16.45pm

Lent Lunch Curry for FSW

for 2 hours
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

A simple lunch of vegetarian curry and rice to raise funds for Family Support Work (FSW) in the Storrington Deanery.
Event taking place in the church building.
All are welcome.
Please sign-up if you would like to come, also, if you require transport.

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Palm Sunday Sung Eucharist

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

Palm Sunday Procession to recall and celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem riding a young donkey.
We shout with joy, "Hosanna! Blessed is he the King who comes in the name of the Lord!" and wave our palm crosses.
Our joy turns to sorrow as we turn towards the shadows of Holy Week as we listen to the Passion Gospel reading.
All ages welcome.

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Maundy Thursday - Service of Holy Communion

for 1 hour
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

Maundy Thursday Holy Communion Service
We celebrate the Institution of Holy Communion as we recall the events of The Last Supper. We come together in love and share together the bread and the wine, as Jesus instructed us to 'do this in remembrance of me'. Towards the end of the service we recall the shadows of that event and the altar communion table is stripped and we depart the service in silence.

Good Friday at St Mary's, Storrington

for 3 hours
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

9.15am Walk of Witness of The Cross
Christians across the village join together at Our Lady of England RC Church and walk to Trinity Methodist Church.

12 Noon Three-hour Good Friday Devotion
A time of quiet reflection and stillness. Silence is kept - please ensure you enter/exit the church building quietly.
At 2pm Last Hour At The Cross Service with readings, reflection and hymns.

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Easter Day - Family Holy Communion

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mary's, Storrington
Church St/School Lane Storrington West Sussex, RH20 4LJ, United Kingdom

We join together to celebrate this glorious Day of Resurrection, proclaiming together that we are an Easter People. We recall Mary Magdalene as she finds the empty tomb and announces the news of the risen Lord to the apostles.
All are welcome to join the celebration!
Refreshments served afterwards, including chocolate treats.