Prayer is simply us as we are meeting God as God is.
We can talk to God as to a friend, saying whatever is in our hearts, or we can just sit in silence with God - God knows our needs even before we do.
However, sometimes it helps to have some words to say - words which become familiar to us, and give us a sense that we are part of a wider Christian family, who have prayed these prayers before us. Please see the resources below.
You can email, write to or phone us if you would like prayer for any particular need. Our clergy are always happy to arrange a time to talk if you would like a listening ear.
Also, you may simply place a prayer request on the board by the Lady Chapel inside church on the left.
Daily Prayer - Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Night Prayer (Compline).
Discovering Prayer with Children
Saying Prayer before Mealtimes
Community of Hope Weavers - Daily Office Prayer Resource