Facilities and features
There are toilets available in the north porch.
There is an accessible toilet and changing facilities.
Change room facilities available in the north porch.
Car parking is available in the following locations -
Storrington Museum (Old School)
Orchard Gardens (Pay and display)
Accessible parking is available in Rectory Road (RH20 4EF). To the left of The Rectory, a level public footpath (twitten) takes you to the church (400 yds).
Accessible toilet available in the north porch.
Quiet space available.
Gentle lighting in the church building.
Child Hika ear defenders available.
Sensory jar available in children's area.
This is available in Rectory Road, Storrington RH20 4EF - there are places marked in the road leading to The Rectory. The church building is accessed via a flat public footpath (twitten) along the side of the rectory gardens into the churchyard (400 yards/365 metres).
This is located at the back of church by the light switches.
Large print hymn books and communion books.
are welcome.
A box marked gluten free biscuits/cake is usually available.
Wheelchair - flat level access is only available from Rectory Road along an unlit footpath which is marked.
If you are coming to an evening event we strongly recommend you contact us before you arrive so that a steward can provide torchlight for you.
Our Building
The church is usually open during daylight hours.
There are some late 19th century stained glass feature windows.
In 2022 we received our Bronze Award for Eco Church.
We have an Eco Church co-ordinator.
There is a regular Eco Church column in the 3 Heralds magazine.
We're a big old building, but to maintain an ambient temperature during the winter, the heating is on every week day. Please feel free to keep warm in our friendly church building during daylight hours.
Grade II Listed Building.
Music and Worship
We have 6 bells and are part of Sussex County Association of Change Ringers.
The bell ringers meet every Friday at 7.45pm for rehearsal in the bell tower.
There is also digital bellringing on Tuesdays between 2pm and 6pm.
We have a concert committee that organises live music concerts throughout the year.
Our church is also available to hire for concerts and other live events - please do contact us.
We have a fine Johannus Orgelbouw 3 manual electronic organ.
We are very fortunate to have a medium size SATB choir who sing at our services. The choir is affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) and Making Music. We sing a wide range of music for our worship.
The choir is always looking for new singers to join.
The choir meet every Friday at 6.40pm - 7.45pm for rehearsal - meeting at the south choir vestry.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Nuturing courses are run through the year to explore faith.
Home Groups meet regularly.
Please speak to the Rector or Assistant Curate if you would like explore the Christian faith.
Morning Café in the Church meets 2nd Wednesday in the church at 10.30am for quality filter coffee, tea, biscuits, cake, and friendly chat.
Afternoon Café in the Church meets 4th and 5th Wednesday in the church at 2.30pm for quality filter coffee, tea, biscuits, cake, and friendly chat.
There's usually a bring and exchange table and raffle.
A group called Storrington Slimmers meets every Monday in the church at 7pm - 8pm.
£2.50 a session.
The group is led on a ‘self-help’
basis and group members share
knowledge and tips for successful
weight loss. Anyone who would
like some support in their weight
loss journey is welcome to
just come along on a Monday
We hold art and craft sessions to explore a Bible story - with singing, prayer, and refreshments.
West Chiltington and Storrington Branch.
More information in the 3 Heralds Magazine.
Help for Visitors
The church is usually open in daylight hours, but this depends on volunteer availability, please contact the office if you are planning a specific visit.
Other Features
The church building is located in the conservation area of Storrington Village.
The Storrington Museum is located opposite the church in School Lane.
The Old School Hall is owned and managed by the Hooper and Downer Trust - not the church.
They can be contacted by email - [email protected] or telephone - 07543 726195