Facilities and features


We have one WC in the main porch (unfortunately we cannot provide accessible facilities at present, the nearest are in the Penfold Hall and Steyning Centre, when open)

Large car park (free on Sundays, paid during daytime on other days) opposite at Fletchers Croft

The church has a defibrillator, available during services

There is an accessible entrance on the North side of the church; normally locked (except during services). Please call Parish Office 01903 812373 if you need step-free access outsie normal services.

Hearing (induction) Loop

We are able to offer large print hymn books

Dogs are always welcome

Gluten free biscuits etc are always available with refreshments after the 9.30 Sunday service. Gluten free wafers are available at all Eucharistic services,

Our Building

Normally open between 9am and 5pm (closes 4pm in winter)

Stained Glass

We have applied for Eco Church Silver award

Grade 1 listed by English Heritage, features in 'England's Thousand Best Churches' by Simon Jenkins and various other books.

Music and Worship

Details of our bell ringer can be found at https://steyningparishchurch.org/ringers/

The church building is noted for its fine acoustics and is frequently used for concerts, recitals and other performances. The local Chanctonbury Chorus and other musical groups use the church, and we have been honoured to host concerts by the renowned Hanover Band.

The organ in Steyning Parish Church is a two-manual Walker extension organ with seven ranks of pipes, installed in 1968. The organ is placed at the west end of the church and has a detached console in the north-east corner. A complete electronic instrument has been added using the Hauptwerk System to supplement the pipe organ section. This versatile, hybrid instrument is used extensively for concerts, recitals and for accompanying the church choir.

8am Sunday morning Eucharist

We have a robed choir who sing every Sunday except in August, at the 9.30am service on first, second, fourth and fifth Sundays and at 6pm choral Evesong on the fourth Sundays. Our music group plays at the 9.30am service on third Sundays. See https://steyningparishchurch.org/music-at-st-andrews-and-st-cuthmans

Third Sunday of month at 9.30

Groups, Courses and Activities

We currently support several families of refugees from Ukraine in conjunction with the local Churches Together group. Two Ukrainian families which we directly supoprted have now found work and moved into their own accommodation.

We have several study groups and house groups, including a Pilgrim Course group

Every Wednesday, 9.30-11.30, in the Penfold Hall

We run the PIlgrim Course for those wanting to further explore Christianity - please contact the Parish Office of the Vicar.

We can provide refugee support, in conjection with the local Churches Together and the Steyning Ukrainian Refuge in Church Street, Steyning

Help for Visitors

A comprehensive guide book is available in church, price £4. A free short guide leaflet is also available. A guided audio tour for smartphones and tablets can be found on the Friends of Steyning Parish Church website, or accessed by QR code (in church, or in the short guide leaflet). A similar guide to the churchyard has been produced by the Friends and the Steyning Museum.

Church Opening Times: The Church is open every day from around 9.00am until 5.00pm, or 4.00pm after the clocks go back from 30th October (and on Sundays until after evening Service at around 7.30pm

Other Features

We collect donations for Family Support Work. The Church Cottage host the Greening Steyning 'BN44 Community Fridge' twice a week.

Our church building and churchyard are part of the Steyning Conservation Area

The Penfold Hall in Church Street is available for hire. See https://penfoldchurchhall.org.uk/. We can also make the Church Cottage available for smaller events.