St Mary's, Southgate, Crawley

St Mary’s is a welcoming, lively, Bible-based and friendly Church of England Church. We want to grow in our knowledge of Jesus Christ as Saviour and friend.

Online giving facility

If you feel you would like to support St Mary's financially

Get in touch

Mrs Janet Kensey

c/o St Mary's Rectory
Forester Road
West Sussex
RH10 6EH

Our website

What's on

Morning Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 20 mins
St Mary's, Southgate, Crawley
Wakehurst Drive Crawley London, RH10 6EH, United Kingdom

This is our main service and will always include biblical teaching, prayer, singing and corporate spoken elements.

The following sequence is observed month by month:

1st Sunday - 'First Sunday Celebration' all-age service

2nd & 3rd Sundays - 'Morning Prayer' service pattern

4th & 5th Sundays - 'Holy Communion' service pattern

Separate groups for children and teens operate alongside all services except for 'First Sunday Celebration'.

St Mary's main morning service is in church at 10.30 am each Sunday.

St Mary's, Southgate, Crawley Charity No. 1136132