Future Services and Events at St. Leonard's Church


Services and Events

June 2024 – August 2024

9th June 2024

9.00am Holy Communion

23rd June 2024

NB: No Evensong Service today.

We are invited to attend the Ordination to Deacon of our new Parish Curate, Timothy Newton, by the Bishop of Lewis, at St. Nicholas Church, at 11 am . There will be a reception after the ceremony in the church. Everyone is welcome.

14th July 2024

9.00am Holy Communion

28th July 2024

3.00pm Evensong

11th August 2024

9.00am Holy Communion

25th August 2024

3.00pm Evensong

Events at St. Leonard’s Church

A Friends of St. Leonard’s Event !

At St. Leonard’s Church On

Sunday August 18th at 5pm :

“Voices From The Centuries”

An evening with Alexandra Harris

Historian and Author of the acclaimed “The Rising Down” her latest book.

Tickets : £15 (to include a Drinks Reception). Further details soon.

August 21st,22nd.23rd :

Hanover Band Lunchtime Concerts

Details to be announced

2024 Weddings

1pm: Sat. 6th July & Sat.10th August

Contacts :

The Rector :

The Revd. Canon David Twinley MA

Parish Office: 01903 882262

Tuesday – Friday 9.30am -2.30pm

Churchwardens :

Roger Biggs : 01903 889982

Email : [email protected]

Colin Stepney : 01903 885880


[email protected]

Members of

The Parochial Church Council (PCC)

Father David Twinley (Chairman)

Roger Biggs ( Treasurer )

Colin Stepney

Ryan Haydon ( Hon. Secretary )

Cheryl Stead

Diana Hawkins

Lucy Vincent

William Knight

Deanery Synod Representatives :

Colin Stepney and Diana Hawkins

Director Of Music : Richard Catchpole