Creative Expressions

Every Friday at for 2 hours
St Mary's Church, Slaugham
St Mary's Church Staplefield Rd Slaugham Haywards Heath, RH17 6AG, United Kingdom

A weekly art group open to all. This is a chance to learn new visual art skills or practice your creativity in a group setting.


Bell Ringing Practice

Every Friday at for 2 hours
St Mary's Church, Slaugham
St Mary's Church Staplefield Rd Slaugham Haywards Heath, RH17 6AG, United Kingdom

Weekly practice time for the St Mary's Bellringing Team.

The team are always looking for new members to ring on Sunday mornings and for special occasions. Contact the church office if you'd be interested in learning more.


Community Pantry and Café

Every Saturday at for 2 hours
All Saints Church, Handcross
Horsham Road Handcross Haywards Heath, RH17 6DF, United Kingdom

All are welcome to All Saints every Saturday for tea, coffee and biscuits, and chat to someone on our friendly team.

The Pantry partners with FareShare to help reduce food waste by redistributing surplus frozen and fresh produce on a Saturday morning.

The Pantry also offers regular provisions of essential items for a limited to those within the parish who are in need of help and support.

For more information email: [email protected] or drop in on a Saturday morning!


Morning Worship + Communion

Monthly. Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary's Church, Slaugham
St Mary's Church Staplefield Rd Slaugham Haywards Heath, RH17 6AG, United Kingdom

Join us for a service of morning worship with communion every 2nd and 4th Sunday at St Mary's.

The service uses Common Worship liturgy and includes a short talk and organ led hymns. On a 4th Sunday we also have songs led by our worship team.


Youth Club

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints Church, Handcross
Horsham Road Handcross Haywards Heath, RH17 6DF, United Kingdom

Weekly youth group for Year 6 and up. Come for games and activities.


Every Monday during term time

Builder Church

In February, March, April. Every Third Saturday at for 2 hours
All Saints Church, Handcross
Horsham Road Handcross Haywards Heath, RH17 6DF, United Kingdom

An opportunity for all ages to use Lego to explore faith and the Bible! This is particularly aimed at families and refreshments will be available.


Third Saturday of the month

Family Film Night

In February, March, April. Every Third Saturday at for 2 hours
All Saints Church, Handcross
Horsham Road Handcross Haywards Heath, RH17 6DF, United Kingdom

Sit back, relax and enjoy a family friendly film on the (quite) big screen at All Saints.


Informal Morning Worship

Monthly. Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary's Church, Slaugham
St Mary's Church Staplefield Rd Slaugham Haywards Heath, RH17 6AG, United Kingdom

An informal morning worship service including songs led by our worship team.


Retreat Space

for 2 hours
St Mary's Church, Slaugham
St Mary's Church Staplefield Rd Slaugham Haywards Heath, RH17 6AG, United Kingdom

“Come apart and rest awhile,” said Jesus to his disciples in Mark 6. Dallas Willard commented centuries later - “If we don’t come apart for a while, then we will come apart after a while.” This is an opportunity to take some time apart to be with God in a retreat environment at St Mary’s.

You are welcome to stay as long as you are able and leave at any point.


Sundays @ The Hub

In February, March, April, May, September, October, November. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Woodgate Hub
4 Grace Holland Avenue Pease Pottage Crawley, RH11 9SL, United Kingdom

Join us for a monthly informal gathering at the Woodgate Hub in Pease Pottage.

This is an opportunity to meet for worship, prayer and growth together particularly for those living in Pease Pottage.

Doors open at 2.00pm for a 2.30pm start.


Once a month usually on the 4th or 3rd Sunday (check for updates)

Mothering Sunday Service

for 1 hour
St Mark's Church, Staplefield
St Mark's Church Brantridge Lane Staplefield Common Staplefield, RH17 6EJ, United Kingdom

Join us for our parish wide Mothering Sunday service for all the congregations within the West Weald parish.


Community Coffee Morning

Monthly. Every First Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints Church, Handcross
Horsham Road Handcross Haywards Heath, RH17 6DF, United Kingdom

Join us on the first Wednesday of every month for a cup of coffee and a chance to meet people from the local community. All welcome! [EV]

Parish Informal Worship

In February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, December. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints Church, Handcross
Horsham Road Handcross Haywards Heath, RH17 6DF, United Kingdom

An informal worship service open to all. The service aims to provide a safe space for open worship and prayer.


Annual Parochial Church Meeting

for 1 hour
All Saints Church, Handcross
Horsham Road Handcross Haywards Heath, RH17 6DF, United Kingdom

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) is an important gathering held once a year by Church of England parishes. This meeting serves as an opportunity for members of the parish to reflect on the life, mission, and ministry of the church over the previous year.
