Safeguarding of Children and Adults
Our Safeguarding Officer is Liz Cockerill and she can be reached at:
[email protected] or on 07796 261082
Ensuring the safety of the vulnerable in our community is very important to us and we fully endorse the Safeguarding Policy of the Church of England, which is based on the following 6 Commitments;
1) Promoting a Safer environment and culture
2) Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility related to children,
young people and vulnerable adults within the Church
3) Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation
4) Caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons
5) Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and
other affected persons
6) Responding to those that may pose a present risk to others.
All members of the Shipley team who are responsible for the care of children and vulnerable adults have had their backgrounds formally checked by the Government's Disclosure and Barring Service and have undergone training on how to detect and respond to suspected abuse.
We also have a dedicated Safeguarding Officer, who works with the PCC, the Diocese and the Police and who chairs our safeguarding committee, who are responsible for reviewing our safeguarding policies and processes and ensuring they are followed.
The Members of the Safeguarding Committee are:
Liz Cockerill Safeguarding Officer 07796 261082
Gavin Kenny Church Warden 07720288807
Richard Killner Church Warden 01403 733878
Rev. Chris Allen Vicar of Shipley 01403 432813
Should you have any concerns or experiences of abuse please contact us.