Shipley Church Self-ServiceSunday 21st June 2020Thought for the Week – The very hairs of your head are all numberedMuch has been written about Love. Yet in today’s bible reading we are again reminded that in God’s sight we are worth everything, being precious in body and soul. God’s immeasurable love for us must be the starting point for all our actions. What can it mean to live as people who are so beloved that every hair on our head is counted? (Matthew 10. 26-33) Why should we concern ourselves with our material well-being when – in this lovely passage from the Sermon on the Mount – we can be reassured by a caring God? Why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: and yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. (Matthew 6. 28) Clearly it reads - “acknowledge me and I will not forsake you”. Hymn for the Day Lord, for the YearsLord, for the years your love has kept and guided, Urged and inspired us, cheered us on our way, Sought us and saved us, pardoned and provided, Lord of the years, we bring our thanks today.Prayers (For all prayers and the Gospel for today please download the attachment at the top right of this page)We pray for doctors and physicians, as well as nurses, carers and all those who help the sick. We also remember in our prayersphysicians-of-the-soul, the clergy and others who offer immense solace to those who are ill and to the bereaved</span>
Shipley Church Self-ServiceSunday 14th June 2020 Corpus ChristiThought for the Week – Do this in remembrance of meToday is the day of thanksgiving for the institution of Holy Communion (traditionally known as Corpus Christi). Jesus instituted the Eucharist at which we eat bread and drink wine with the instruction, “Do this in remembrance of me”, as a memorial of the suffering and death of Christ and to symbolise freedom from sin and the promise of eternal life. Anglican traditions teach that Jesus is present in the Eucharist in some mystical way, and believe that the bread and wine being consecrated become the life of Jesus and the body of Christ. (John 6. 51-58) You can change or add something special to a particular procedure, and it would then enable it to demonstrate a more profound truth; for example, if someone says, “I love you” and you believe them, that’s fine. But if they say, “I love you” and put their arms around you and give you a big hug, you get the truth in a more powerful way. The hug is an outward sign of the love they have inside!Hymn for the DayO Thou, who at thy Eucharist didst prayThat all thy Church might be for ever one,Grant us at every Eucharist to sayWith longing heart and soul, “Thy will be done.”Oh, may we all one bread, one Body be,One through this Sacrament of unity.PrayersThe Set Prayers for today can be downloaded from the link at the top right of this pageWe pray that as Christian followers, even if we cannot raise the deador cast out demons, we shall have the power to act in ways thatmake the compassion of Christ known in the world.
The Church is available f<span style="font-size: 1rem;">or private prayer and reflection</span>However, we do not have the facilities to sterilise the Church nor to provide hand washing.Therefore, access is by appointment only, please contact the Church Wardens with 24 hours’ notice on:07970781874or 07720288807and please consider your own health and safety and that of others;• Do not come into Church if you are feeling ill or showing flu-like symptoms• When in Church, do not touch anything more than you need to.The Churchyard remains open for you to enjoy.
Shipley Church Self-Service Sunday 7th June 2020 TrinityOne of the most difficult but fundamental concepts within Christianity is the belief that God is three separate persons, yet is still a single God, ie. The doctrine of the Trinity. The Father is God, the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God, each with distinct roles of equal importance but existing together as only one God. There is no analogy in Nature which humans can compare to the Trinity. Arguably, the village church is also three-things-in-one: a Meeting Place, a Building of Special & Historic Interest, and a House of Prayer. As a consecrated place that has been cared for and adorned in Christ’s name by countless devoted men and women of past generations, its significance and beauty should bring you to your knees! As a focus for prayer and the teaching of the Christian Gospel, our country church – standing in this tranquil part of Sussex since the Knights Templar enlarged it, re-built and fortified it in the 12th century – is a glorious landmark, not just in the literal sense, but of our culture and of our history. Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace. (2Corinthians 13. 11-13)Hymn for the Day Holy, holy, holy! Lord God almightyHoly, holy, holy! Lord God almighty!Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee;Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty!God in three persons, blessed Trinity!PrayerThe Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all. AmenFurther Readings and the Gospel for today can be downloaded from the top right of this page