Shipley Church Self-Service Sunday 23rd August 2020

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Shipley Church Self-Service

Sunday 23rd August 2020

Thought for the Week – Peter declares Jesus to be the Messiah

In today’s Gospel reading Jesus asks a question of his disciples: “Who do you say that I am?” The crowds that followed him had many answers, but Simon Peter responded by affirming Jesus’ true identity as the Son of God. “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”, he said. To which Jesus replied, “Peter, on this rock I will build my church”. It is an affecting and very human moment. This passage is one of the most discussed passages of the New Testament. (Matthew 16: 13-20)

Some interpret “the rock” to be humanity’s choice in being able to accept and embrace the kingdom of God (the apostolic doctrine itself), as instanced by Peter’s own conviction. The second approach suggests Peter himself is the foundation-stone of the church, to whom Jesus gives his authority to become first among the apostles, and to spread the gospel by developing the early Christian church. To truly believe is to allow the character and the will of God to shine through us. This power was given in a special sense to Peter.

Hymn for Today - Take my life, and let it be

Take my life, and let it be

Consecrated, Lord to Thee;

Take my moments and my days,

Let them flow in ceaseless praise.

Prayers for Today

We pray that, as we are all familiar with Jesus telling his disciples he is the way, the truth, and the life, we might live in the knowledge of Him, and believe with certainty that he will lead us along the right path, and be the ultimate fulfilment of our lives here on earth. 

Note: The Gospel and Readings for today can be downloaded from the top right of this page