Keeping in Touch - August 2024

Dear Friends,

The PCC met on 24 th July and had a wide ranging session discussing a number ofpoints, implementing a number of measures to do with safety and safeguarding.We also took note and approved of plans to have nesting boxes for swifts installedon the church building as part of a scheme supported by Wilder Horsham District,a partnership between Horsham District Council and Sussex Wildlife Trust, whichalso will involve other public buildings in Shipley. The details are yet to be workedout, but we hope that by next Spring the nesting spaces will be ready for next year’sarrivals. Swifts are iconic birds and their sights and sounds are part of the feel ofSummer in many locations across the country.

Birds like swifts and their regular appearance each Spring remind us of the wayGod has created a world of order and co-operation which sustains human life andsociety. 1 st August is Lammas Day when in the days of Merrie England a loaf wouldbe made from the corn first harvested and made into a loaf and brought to Church.This symbolised how people acknowledged their dependence upon God for the lifegiving order of the universe and upon the co-operation of the whole community inbringing in the all-important harvest. We may not live off the and so directlynowadays but we still depend upon the land and those who produce food for ourvery existence which makes it important that the balance of the world’s climate isnot disrupted by human activity.

Summer in Church can be a quiet time, but we hope not too quiet! Worshipping ona Summer Sunday is a very pleasant experience with doors open and the soundsof nature of the local community wafting in. This helps us to remember that we areoffering worship on behalf of the whole community, which is always our task as aspecifically parish church. So just as the loaf was brought to Church on LammasDay, so we offer to God the whole community, it’s gratitude and it’s needs, all yearround.

This is the moment to remind you of the foodbank hamper at the back of Church.Tinned food is always welcome, especially tinned meat and fish, as well as toiletriesand bottles of water which can be refilled from a tap in warm weather by those whoare homeless.

A Summer highlight is the Open Gardens Event at Durrance Manor on August BankHoliday when the Church will be responsible for the teas and cakes.Sunday, September 8 th will be our Patronal festival this year. It’s one of the feasts ofthe Blessed Virgin Mary which occur throughout the year and this year this Feast ofthe Birth of St Mary the Virgin will be our Patronal Festival. Another highlight will beSunday 22 nd when at 6pm we are having a Songs Of Praise Service wherebypeople can choose a hymn which is their favourite, which will then be sung at theservice, together with a few words of background about the hymn. So start thinkingwhat hymn you will choose!

Enjoy the Summer and make the most of worshipping in a warm, light and airy,church with the sounds and smells of nature and of the community around us.

Your friend and parish priest, Chris