Welcome! We are pleased you are here. We hope you find everything you need about our church on these pages or on our website and social media. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need further help or information.
Sometimes people don't know whether they are 'allowed' to come in to the church. Everyone is welcome to come along to services and events- and if you're nervous, let us know, and we'll make sure someone is there to meet you. You don't need to have a faith, or have been to church before. Just come and give it a go. The best service is probably 10am on a Sunday, There's usually just over 100 people at that, so you can hide in the crowd or meet lots of people. Whatever is best for you! We sing hymns, listen to readings and a talk, and have communion together - which is reenacting out Jesus' last supper. You can check out our Youtube to see what happens or join the livestream. If you want something much quieter - 8.30am has about 30 people and is traditional language (with no singing.) Or maybe come for a coffee on a Wednesday morning in the hall?
Children are always welcome, and if you are neuro diverse, have a disability or think there is something we could do to help you find coming easier, just let us know!
We look forward to meeting you soon.
St Peter & St Paul, Rustington Charity No. 1133812