Family Support Work

As summer approaches we are looking to the events we have planned for our families. With large teddy bears' picnics in both East and West Sussex; events for families with children who have special educational needs as well the local events that each practitioner runs, we are looking to a summer busier than ever.

This demonstrates again not only the way in which FSW has grown over the recent years but also how the demand for our activities and professional support is increasing. There was a time when we had slower periods, but now the pace of work for all the staff is full on all year round.

It is good to see that someone else has now jumped (was pushed) out of a plane for FSW and like me say it's great - you should try it! So, if you have ever thought about doing a parachute jump, please do get in touch with Nikki and her team as they would be more than happy to set up another group jump next year. We are always looking for people to join in on fundraising challenges, whether as a daredevil or perhaps taking the option of exploring the Sussex countryside on one of our walks - the Cuckmere pilgrimage was beautiful to explore, even in the rain and hail.

** If you have time do come along to one of the open gardens to support our work and that of the NGS. We have two new (to us) garden openings coming up soon. On Thursday 20th June we are serving homemade cakes and tea at Warnham Park, on Robin Hood Lane just outside Horsham, and on Friday 21st June we are at Michel Dene Road, East Dene as part of the East Dene Garden Trail. Do look at our listings on the website to see if we are in a garden near you - it would be good to see you if we are.

Best wishes
Martin and the FSW team