Christingle Service

for 1 hour
St Pancras Church, Kingston
The Street Kingston Lewes, BN7 3PD, United Kingdom

The Christingle service at St Pancras Church, Kingston, is a beautiful tradition that includes singing carols, lighting the Christingle candles, and reflecting on the meaning of Christmas. It's a wonderful event for families and individuals alike. The service aims to bring the community together in a spirit of joy and hope. We look forward to welcoming everyone to this inspiring occasion.

St Peter's Church Rodmell

Welcome to St. Peter's Church.

Rev Joe Chipper has joined us as our Parish Priest.

St Peter's is the 12th-century parish church of Rodmell, Lewes, in East Sussex. We gather at 11 a.m. on the first Sunday of the month for Holy Communion, Celtic worship on the 2nd Sunday (followed by refreshments), Mattins on the third Sunday, and Celtic morning prayer every Wednesday at 9:30. Come and join us to worship and share the love of Jesus.

Get in touch

Rev'd Joe Chipper, Parish Priest
01273 967511
Anne Roberts Church warden
01273 473643
What's on

Christingle Service

for 1 hour
St Pancras Church, Kingston
The Street Kingston Lewes, BN7 3PD, United Kingdom

The Christingle service at St Pancras Church, Kingston, is a beautiful tradition that includes singing carols, lighting the Christingle candles, and reflecting on the meaning of Christmas. It's a wonderful event for families and individuals alike. The service aims to bring the community together in a spirit of joy and hope. We look forward to welcoming everyone to this inspiring occasion.