Family Eucharist

Every Third Sunday at for 45 mins
Church of The Good Shepherd
272 Dyke Rd Brighton Brighton and Hove, BN1 5AE, United Kingdom

Younger people, families and those new to the Church are particularly encouraged to attend this. The format follows the regular pattern of worship but particular emphasis is placed on appropriate hymns, songs and other music and the screen is often used. The address is normally aimed at younger people who are encouraged to take part by reading lessons, leading intercessions and performing small pieces of music.

Church of The Good Shepherd

The Church of the Good Shepherd has a long-established, moderate Catholic tradition. We are a friendly and welcoming church that meets the worship and spiritual needs of people from a wide range of traditions. We welcome visitors and encourage newcomers to become involved in whatever they feel comfortable .

 We are delighted that the Rev’d Alice Smith our new Vicar was licenced on Monday 17 February 2025.

Our Mission

To bring more people to experience God’s love by making our church the much needed focus in the local community.

Get in touch

The Vicar

The Vicarage
272 Dyke Road


Our website

What's on

Family Eucharist

Every Third Sunday at for 45 mins
Church of The Good Shepherd
272 Dyke Rd Brighton Brighton and Hove, BN1 5AE, United Kingdom

Younger people, families and those new to the Church are particularly encouraged to attend this. The format follows the regular pattern of worship but particular emphasis is placed on appropriate hymns, songs and other music and the screen is often used. The address is normally aimed at younger people who are encouraged to take part by reading lessons, leading intercessions and performing small pieces of music.

Church of The Good Shepherd Charity No. 1131188